


About Mental Health

Steve Kozak Steve Kozak

How to Find Hope Through Our Inner Hero

The next time you face a trial, consider yourself the hero on a journey. Work to find the purpose and meaning of the trial. Think about how this moment is going to transform you into the hero you were designed to be.

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Steve Kozak Steve Kozak

How To Start Transforming Your Thoughts and Behaviors

If you’re like most people, there are days that you wish you could switch your attitude and behavior like a switch. Quickly identify what’s not right and make an instant adjustment. In fact, if you’re a parent, I can guarantee you wish that of your kids.

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Steve Kozak Steve Kozak

8 Things You Forgot on Your Back-to-School List

It doesn’t matter what the calendar actually says. For all intents and purposes, summer is over. Kids are heading back to school. Schedules are returning to what most consider “normal.” And you hope that you nailed every to-do list, resource list, and teacher expectation so that your kids are as prepared as possible. But many of you forgot something critical that might not have been on your list at all.

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