Contagious Grace


The Corona Virus and Covid-19 have very quickly changed our outlook on the current world.  What once was up is now down, east seems to be west, dark seems to be light and we aren’t sure what to do about it.  We are out of school, working from home, unable to work and a lot of us are worried and scared. What does this mean for our economy, for our livelihoods, for our future?  

During uncertain times, we need to remember that we are a society built on helping others.  We deliver food when friends are sick, we visit loved ones in the hospital, we help a stranded motorist on the side of the road.  We cannot forget what our core values are even during a time of such uncertainty.

So, instead of being concerned about catching Covid-19 let’s remember the good things that we can catch, and spread freely to others!

1: Kindness

Send your friend a text message, check on an elderly parent, or share a story with your kids!

2: Patience

Our country, state, and local governments are doing all that they can to contain this, let’s remember to show them patience.

3: Grace

We are all going to be under pressure so let’s remember to show those we love grace as we understand our new normal. 

Click Here to Learn About Giving Yourself Grace

4: Positive Attitude

Times are unclear at the moment, but your positive attitude can go a long way when lifting up the spirits of others. 

Click Here to Learn More About Positive Thoughts

5: Love

Our most basic need is to love.  Make sure you are loving your family, others and most importantly that you are loving yourself! 

Don’t wait to catch all of these things from others, be the carrier!  Spread kindness, patience, enthusiasm, positive attitudes and love during a time when so many of us aren’t. 

Written by Tiffany Careins

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