Be A Business That Cares About Mental Health
Because healthy people create healthy profits
Employee care, retention, and overall well-being are becoming increasingly important to those you depend on.
Your employees care about mental and they want you to care too. We provide you with the programming and the tools you need to bridge the gap between employee performance and mental health by engaging your entire staff, through real-time polling in a life-changing conversation.
Why Do We Need This?
In 2022, the United States recorded the highest rate of suicide in history. Almost 50,000 people and countless others struggle with depression, anxiety, chronic stress, addictions, and more. Many of which struggle in secret. Yet research shows that despite the shame and stigma, opening up and sharing one’s secret struggles is a critical first step in getting help. As an employer, you have the incredible opportunity to be that catalyst for someone you care about finding hope.
What's My ROI?
Invest just about an hour, and you’ll start the process of changing your organizational culture into what we call a “How are you really” organization. That simply means that now you have the foundation for a community of people who do more than just come to work. They care about each other. They are invested in each other’s lives. And therefore, become more invested in the work they do.
What Should We Expect?
A little awkward at first? Yes! Do we ask that you are honest? Yes! Can you win some gift cards and have a ton of fun, while not working for an hour or so? Yes! In a single hour, we teach you about your mental health, use our anonymous polling to grab some critical information and show you that you’re not alone in your struggle, and provide you with the necessary tools and resources to continue the important conversation we just started.
Let’s get your organization talking!
We know. Talking about matters of mental health is awkward and at times, can leave you with more questions than answers. This is where we come in. Our anonymous polling creates a space for radical honesty and the resources you need to move the conversation forward. Don’t worry. We have your back!
"The Wired Experience was the perfect launch point for future conversations about struggles people might be having."
Michael Limmer - Fort Wayne Tin Caps
"Not having names tied to the questions left every thing open and honest."
Brad Evans - Hope 4 Orphans
You have enough on your plate, so we will do all the heavy lifting.
Contact our team to schedule a no-obligation discovery call. This is where we talk about your pain points, needs, and how a customized program can fit.
Take a look at your calendar. Let’s find a date that works. Decide if you want in-person or virtual and begin the onboarding process.
Gather your employees and be ready for amazing conversations and for your workplace to be transformed.
At RemedyLIVE, we know that you want your employees to thrive. Not just because it’s good for business but because you actually care about them. In order to do that, you need to invest time, energy, and money in their mental health. But the problem is that talking about mental health is messy, awkward, and difficult, which makes you feel completely unprepared for the conversation. However, we believe diving into those awkward conversations—what we call meaningful conversations—is absolutely critical to helping people through their struggles. We understand how hard it is to worry about productivity and a healthy bottom line balanced with healthy employees who are 100% invested in their work, which is why our program and anonymous polling system remove those barriers, make your job easier, and start the conversation for you.
Here is how we do it. First, we do a quick discovery call to determine what some of the topics you feel are most critical. Next, we find some dates that work, decide if you want a virtual or in-person program, and start the onboarding process. Finally, we bring our polling, our experts, and a little fun to your team and start the process of changing your organizational culture into a radically honest group of people who care deeply for one another. And all that data we collect, you’ll get to see so you can best keep the conversation going.
So schedule that discovery call, and in the meantime, poke around our website and YouTube channel for some great additional resources so you can stop worrying about your greatest asset and instead become a business that cares about mental health.