We are facing a mental health crisis. in 2023 more than 50,000 Americans lost their lives to suicide. More than any year on record. Hope begins with awareness. And awareness begins with a conversation. We know it’s hard, it’s awkward, and it’s messy. But RemedyLIVE is here to help navigate the struggle and find hope.
So how do I talk about mental health?
We like to call them meaningful conversations. They are the kind of conversations that let people know that they are not alone in their struggles. The world is getting more difficult and chaotic everyday. But we are all on this ball floating in space together. So let’s work together to live the best life possible. That means talking about the things we don’t really like talking about.
And it starts with one simple question.
How are you really?
Download our Ultimate Guide to a Meaningful Conversation
For most, the question, how are you, is really more a social convention. Do we really have the time or patience to listen to another person’s lament? But what if we looked a person in the eye, sent the message that we truly care, and asked the harder question: How are you…really?
Don’t worry if you don’t feel equipped to handle the conversation.
We want to ensure that you have the confidence to ask that first question and the tools to carry it forward at home, school, or the workplace.
Parents, you know your kids better than anyone. But do you know when they are really struggling with anxiety, depression, or even addiction? The sad reality is that we are often the last to know. So, it’s critical that we keep the conversation open with our kids without judgment or condemnation.
Students are facing a greater challenge today than any generation before them. But they don’t need another school assembly telling them what not to do. What they need are the resources to navigate an increasingly difficult world in a way they can relate to and connect with. Book your Get Schooled Tour today.
It should come as no surprise that the emotional well-being of your employees drastically impacts their work performance. As a result, the business results you desire are directly tied to the mental health of your overall work community. RemedyLIVE’s Wired Experience is the investment you need to revolutionize employee care, retention, and overall well-being.
Let’s Be Clear About A Few Key Things When it Comes to Your Mental Health
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