Don’t Make Any Sudden Movements


The day that I’m writing this is May 6th, 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems increasingly important to make a note of the date, because things are changing so suddenly! We have now been in isolation for over a month, but things are finally starting to sorta kinda look up? We say that with a question mark because honestly, who knows what’s going to happen.. We are all walking an extremely narrow line of high hopes but low expectations and that is our new normal. 

It’s impossible not to let your negative thoughts start to spiral when your world feels completely turned upside down. One thing I’ve started to notice is that my overly anxious brain immediately starts wanting to make changes. During a time when there is no control, it is desperately grabbing for something, ANYTHING that it can take charge of. One moment I’m considering a career change, next a new house, and suddenly I’m looking at rentals in Spain. In this new normal, where joy is hard to find, my brain says “screw this life, it’s time to move on!”. No brain, it’s not time. 

Quarantine is not the time to make an impactful change. 

If you are having these struggling thoughts, I urge you to take a beat. This is not the time to make up with an ex, sell your house, or quit your job. When things feel bad we immediately want to make a quick decision to make things better but that’s just not how the world works right now. So instead, dream about it or journal. Write the angry letter to your boss and then toss it in the trash. I promise that 5 months from now if you’re still feeling this way you can start to make changes but for now, don’t make any sudden movements. It’s not a bad life. It’s just a bad quarantine. 

Written by Jamie Schueler

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