Finding The New Normal


Brené Brown shares this interesting thought on her podcast Unlocking Us “During a time of disaster in our country, our bodies tend to run and function on adrenaline.  That is what gets us through the short amount of time that we need to live. Well this disaster has gotten to a point where our bodies are running out of adrenaline.” We have barreled past the idea that isolation and social distancing will only last a few weeks and we are settling in for a new type of normal. We have to understand that even after Covid-19 passes, the world that we knew may look a little different. So how do we make the switch from thinking our situations are temporary to semi-permanent? 

Create realistic expectations 

Have you made a schedule that you are trying to follow? It's the number one recommendation for how to work successfully from home, but is it realistic? Have you incorporated breaks in your day? Have you given yourself enough wiggle room for when things don’t go as planned? Make sure you aren’t reaching for something unattainable. If you find your schedule is not working, don’t get discouraged, just revisit it and change it, until it is something you know you can follow. Try mixing it up every week to keep it interesting. 

Click Here to Learn More About Busyness

Make your weekdays look different from your weekends

Many of us are losing track of time and can’t tell what day it is because we are lounging around on our computers and watching endless episodes of tv. Is that what your weekend looks like too? Try giving yourself a dress code for the weekdays and a different standard for Saturday and Sunday. Set attainable working goals for five days of the week and distinguish your “rest” day on the weekend from your “fun” day. 

Separate your “work” hours from your “rest” hours 

It might be easy to continue working all day long now that you're not separating your day with transportation from one place to another, or maybe you are having the opposite problem, of doing hardly any work at all in between your social media breaks. Whatever route you are taking, make sure you are sticking to a normal 8 hours of working and when you are done with work, be truly done. Work as hard as you can during those 8 hours and make them count. 

Click Here to Learn how to Separate Work and Rest

Make this a season of discovery 

So you have to stay at home. Instead of doing what you normally do in this situation, try to discover a new inside activity once a week. Maybe you can explore cooking for the first time or knitting or learn a new language. The possibilities are endless. 

Click Here to Learn About Choosing Hobbies

Written by Sharla Ball


Return to Normal

