Holiday stress and how to prepare

Are you stressed yet? I know I am. Christmas time can be one of the most enjoyable seasons of the year but for many people, it can also be the most stressful season of the year. There are the financial pressures that come with purchasing gifts, the psychological pressures of finding the right gifts, the claustrophobic feeling of being in large crowds, and let's face it, the pressures of being with loved ones. 

If you are like my family, we only get together once a year when the entire family is present. For many years, the anticipation of getting together was stressful enough. We are all grown and out of the house and have developed new ideas and thoughts that sometimes create arguments around the table. Over the past few years, however, we have been able to actually enjoy our time as a family because of the spirit with which we enter these gatherings. 

I know personally for myself, that means going into the holiday telling myself that playing a few games with my family will be fun and that I won’t be stressed out by the pressure of our competitive family. I know that if we stay silent on a few subject matters, it will also lead to fewer arguments. I tell myself that If I take active steps to prevent a typical stresser, I will be happier with the way that the time with my family will go. 

So how can you prevent unpleasantness over the holidays?

It doesn’t have to be related to family. Do you get anxious being in large crowds? Consider doing all of your shopping online so that you don’t have to go to a mall, or consider looking up the hours of a store and avoiding the rush times. Google will often tell you how busy a store is and if that busyness is typical for the time or not. 

If you are worried about the financial burden of spending money on gifts, consider other ways that you can show someone love. Words usually mean an awful lot to people. Writing letters to loved ones can be even more impactful than material possessions, and it only costs as much as the pen and paper you use. Homemade food is also a great way to show someone you care. This could be little gifts like homemade hot chocolate, or cookies, or if you are really skilled, little decorated cakes or hot chocolate bombs. 

There are many ways to prepare yourself mentally and physically from the stress of the holidays if you are willing to work on preventative measures. 

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Written by Sharla Ball


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