Protect Yourself


The world seems to be on the same page right now while everyone tries to figure out the real-time impact of Covid-19. Though I usually enjoy reading the news and scrolling through social media, I have to admit, it’s only increasing the anxiety within my chest. So what does it look like for me to protect myself from the strain but still stay informed about what I need to do?

1. Breathe.

I can’t preach this enough. Stop what you’re doing, close your eyes, turn off the noise around you and focus on your breathing (Harvard Health Publishing). Breathe in normally, but breathe in intentionally. Count the breaths in and out and do this 100 times as you slow your world down. As you count and breathe, focus on the feeling of breathing in life and exhaling stress and toxicity. This will help center you in being, not doing (MAYO CLINIC). 

Click Here to Learn More About the Importance Breath

2. Protect.

Going on social media, and even the various news channels, can significantly increase the tension and heighten anxiety. The world is not asking for permission to scream at us through these outlets and so it’s important to protect ourselves from the subliminal and not so subtle messages that the world is hurling at us. Rather than allow these influences to bully us, give yourself short parameters to interact with the information you need to know about. Set a timer for 60 seconds as you visit a website, or scroll through a news app. Once the 60 seconds is up, move on and get your body physically into action by walking to a different room away from the source of the news cycle (Harvard Health Publishing).

3. Move.

Turn off the tv, close the laptop, place the tablet and smartphone in a desk drawer for a while and step outside. Natural sunlight has proven to be a very effective way to heal the body (WebMD). The fresh air, the steady rhythm of activity, and the change of physical space is good for the mind. Here, too, you can focus on breathing and centering yourself as you walk. Make every effort to move for 30 minutes each day to develop a healthy rhythm.

Click Here to Learn About the Effects of Walking

4. Meditate.

After the walk, or even during, focus on a key truth that is not an opinion. Truth is that which we know to always be trustworthy. For example- you are alive. You have value. You matter. Don’t allow opinions to dictate what you think, but rather renew your mind to focus on that which you were created with- that your life is not an accident (romans 12:2).

Click Here to Learn More About Meditation and Mindfulness

It’s important that we all own our future and focus on staying objective and healthy. In my life I know that I have needed others to remind me of this. We can help do that! Don’t hesitate to take advantage of our 24-hour chat center, and our incredible team of SoulMedics, by clicking the CHAT WITH A SOULMEDIC button at the top of the screen or by texting the number 494949. 


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