The Difference Between A Conversation and A Meaningful Conversation. 

The holiday season is upon us. Halloween and Thanksgiving are in the rearview mirror, and all eyes are focused on Christmas. The shopping has begun, the lights are going up, and the old favorite Christmas songs are on repeat. It’s supposed to be the time of year we celebrate. We are supposed to be filled with glorious and inexpressible joy. We are supposed to have that extra spring in our step. And we are supposed to be celebrating the coming of our savior and King, Jesus

But for some, instead of celebration, the overwhelming amounts of stress, loneliness, anxiety, and depression take up permanent residence in our minds. It’s a season filled with anything but joy and celebration. Imagine facing it without a network of care and compassion or a community of people to really listen and offer hope. No one to simply have a conversation with.

But it’s more than just a conversation that brings hope and encouragement. It’s a conversation that reminds a person they are valued and loved. It’s what RemedyLIVE calls a meaningful conversation. Anyone can have a conversation. It takes something more to have a meaningful conversation. 

The SoulMedics at RemedyLIVE 24-hour chat center are the experts. 

Meaningful Conversations That Build a Unique Community

Sometimes you just need to feel heard. You need to be able to share what’s on your mind without judgment, comparison, being one-upped, or your feelings being hijacked by another person’s agenda. 

Whether in school or your profession, there is a very high likelihood that you are interacting with people all day. It could be in classrooms, boardrooms, living rooms, even chat rooms. It doesn’t matter if it’s online or in-person; there is an endless barrage of people talking to us and at us. We might consider this our community. Maybe we even want it to be. But let’s be honest, how many of those people you are interacting with can you call at 3 am when you have a panic attack? Which of those co-workers or classmates can you rely on to listen when you slip back into a state of depression? What about when you’re overwhelmed or worried? 


A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

Even if you have people all around, that doesn’t mean you have community. It doesn’t mean you have people willing to listen anytime, anywhere. And it doesn’t mean you have people to talk to who love you without judgment.

This is where the Chat Center plays a critical role. If it’s 2am and you need someone to hear you, they are ready. If you’re sitting at lunch alone and feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, they want to encourage you. If you have come face-to-face with a secret struggle and have no one to turn to, you do now. The SoulMedics of RemedyLIVE’s chat center are uniquely equipped and gifted to stand in the gap where the rest of your community might fall short. They provide a safe space to love you where you are and listen with empathy.

Meaningful Conversations Filled With Love and Compassion

If you’re a living, breathing person, then you know that judgment from another person is not a welcoming feeling. We all desperately desire and search for compassion from others at one time or another. But instead, when we are met with that awkward silence, an odd look, or a very real and hurtful act of judgment, it can affirm feelings of loneliness and depression. You need conversations filled with love and compassion. 

The word compassion literally means to suffer alongside another person. It is the purest form of empathy. Compassion is among the best ways we can show the love of Jesus to others. To truly feel what others are feeling is often rare and unmatched—to genuinely cry with another person because your heart breaks with theirs.

Click Here to Learn More About Sharing Compassion With Others

When you are hurting and overwhelmed, you need this kind of compassion from another person. And this is the kind of compassion people experience with a SoulMedic in RemedyLIVE’s 24-hour chat center. These are not people with scripted answers and formulaic solutions. These are people who love genuinely and invest deeply into each conversation. That’s what makes it so meaningful. 

Meaningful Conversations Centered on Offering Hope

Over the last four years, the SoulMedics working the 24-hour chat center through both web and text have engaged in more than 100,000 meaningful conversations. That’s 100,000 conversations of compassion. Countless hours of listening. And more than 100,000 moments where people felt encouraged, valued, and loved. But most of all, that is 100,000 conversations filled with the hope of Jesus. It was 100,000 opportunities to put the gospel at the center of the conversation, open a door for people to experience the love of Jesus, and to do more than save a life but show people a path to new life. 

you are not alone

Click here to chat now or text to 494949 from anywhere in the U.S.

All of us have conversations every day. But the holiday season should remind us that what many people need is more than just a conversation. They need to be heard, to be loved, to be valued. They need a meaningful conversation. Perhaps you’re the kind of person willing to truly listen to another. Maybe you need someone to talk to right now. Maybe that overwhelmed feeling of anxiety and depression isn’t just the holidays. Rest assured, no matter when or why RemedyLIVE’s chat center is open and ready. 

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