The Values of Being a Minimalist

I often tell people that I am a minimalist. What I mean by that is that I used to be able to fit everything that I owned into one vehicle. Then I realized when I moved into my own apartment that I should probably own a bed and a few other pieces of furniture. So now I can fit everything I own into the smallest van that I can rent from U-haul. Why do I do this? Well for one thing I tend to move around a lot and moving means that I continually have to pack things up into boxes. That is easier to do when you don't have a lot of stuff. I am also not a super sentimental person. I keep letters in a box because words mean a great deal to me, but items that don't serve a purpose, don't need to be kept. There are a number of reasons why I don’t like to hold on to material possessions.

Things ⍯ happiness

Material possessions don’t bring you happiness. In the moment the purchase of an item might bring you some instant gratification but eventually when you look at said item, you may just harbor feelings of regret. Happiness is an emotion that constantly needs to be fed and you will never acquire the perfect amount of items to achieve happiness. 

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Environmentally unfriendly

The more items that you acquire the more trash you accumulate. It may not be in your lifetime, but eventually, when you pass, someone will have to get rid of your things. So if you want to contribute to a greener earth, the less you acquire in your lifetime, the less trash you contribute. 

Clutter = Stress

Clutter contributes to stress. Have you ever been in a bad mood simply because your room was messy? There is a peace that comes with cleanliness. Cleaning can also be stressful. Fewer items lead to fewer things that can accumulate dust. Plus it takes way less time to clean a 600 square foot house than a 2000 square foot home.  

Clutter = Bad sleep

Apart from regular stress, clutter has also been linked to lack of sleep and lack of productivity. When there is clutter in your space, it will pull your attention away from the things you need to be doing. 

Where your heart is

Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not store up for yourselvMENTAL HEALTH 101: UNDERSTANDING THE BASICSes treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Scripture not only points out the things that could happen to your possessions but also that satisfaction does not come from things but from the actions you take in this world. Consider your next purchase, will it truly bring you joy, or could that money be put to a greater purpose to help someone else? 

Written by Sharla Ball

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