5 Coping Strategies for Beginners


Youth For Christ

The world is a crazy place right now. Anxiety, depression and addiction are on the rise as we sit isolated with all of our difficult emotions. We are often turning to Netflix, Hulu, and sometimes even napping our days away in order to make these emotions go away, but those coping strategies just push the emotions away for a time, they don’t rid us of them. Here are some more effective and healthy strategies to cope with all that this season is handing us:

Create Art

Grab the coloring books, crayons, paints, canvas, puzzle, old magazines, glue etc. and create something. Color, paint, glue together a collage, knit, crotchet, make a bracelet, whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t need to look professional, just use whatever skills you have.

Click Here to Learn More About Drawing

Get Active

So the YMCA, school and your local gyms may be closed, but there are still so many opportunities to be active. Take your dog on a walk, go for a run, move with a workout video (there are plenty on YouTube for free from barre to yoga and more), or jump in a gym’s online class.

Click Here to Learn More About Physical Care


Write your emotions, write what you wish was different, take some time to reflect on the direction of your life. Give space for the hard things that you’re feeling instead of brushing them aside. If you don’t consider yourself a writer, do it in bullets! If you’re more creative, try poetry, song lyrics — whatever comes easiest for you.

Click Here to Learn More About Mood Journaling

Practice Gratitude

Every day make a list of three things that you are thankful for about that day. Each week write a thank you letter to someone in your life. Turn your focus towards the positive, and the negative will fade more into the background.

Click Here to Learn More About Gratitude


Just because we are often spending time alone right now, doesn’t mean that time is constructive. Take some solo time and ask yourself some hard questions, put thought into what you’re feeling and why. Do your best to keep this time focused and intentional.

Click Here to Learn More About Mindfulness and Meditation

Written by Youth For Christ


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