6 Traditional Games that Can be Played via Zoom/Facetime/Online with Friends
There are a lot of FaceTime and Zoom conversations happening lately, and while it is fun to see people face-to-face when we can’t be in person, those calls can still leave us longing for more connection. Games are a great way to make our digital time feel a bit more engaging. Call up a few friends, grandma in the nursing home, or maybe distant family members and bring back a Family Game Night! Here are some entertaining games that can be played over Zoom or FaceTime!
Each party needs a set of 5 dice. Scoresheets can be found online.
Each party needs a set of 6 dice. Scoresheets can be found online.
Kings Corner
Solitaire-like card game. Each party needs a deck of cards. Parties just race each other to see who can finish first.
The Game of Things
Pick a topic. Everyone text the “reader” their response and then take turns trying to match the response with the person who said it.
Zoom has a whiteboard feature that can be utilized or point the camera towards the paper.
Find scattergory cards online or make your own agreed upon list of topics and pick a random letter, set a timer and go for it!
Written by Youth For Christ