A Perfect Day

Very recently I watched “A Map of Tiny Perfect Things''. It's a newer movie on Prime that is essentially another rewrite of Groundhog Day. Though with every reboot the way the characters get out of the time loop is always different. In this particular movie, the characters made a map of every “perfect” moment that happened in the day. Their definition of perfect was more about the simple things in life that we often miss that could give us joy. This could be a man stopping traffic to let a turtle cross the road, or watching a bird catch a fish or something that simply makes us smile like kids lighting up a treehouse with twinkling lights. How much more content would we be if we took time to notice the “perfect” moments in each day?

Make it a challenge 

Try finding something every day that you would classify as a perfect moment and write it down.

Bring that challenge to greater heights by increasing the number every week. On your second week try looking for 2 perfect things a day. On your third week, try finding 3, etc.

You may come to see that you become more observant of the things around you. You may spend less time on your phone and more time looking at the world around you.

Written by Sharla Ball

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