Finding Order in Chaos


When I was younger and something didn’t go my way, I would go complain and gripe about my problems to my unsympathetic parents. After I finished whining, I would hear the phrase, “life is hard, get over it” from one of my parents in an apathetic tone. This would frustrate me and I would just think that my problems were way beyond my parents’ small comprehension. Obviously, I was dead wrong and the little problems that my younger self had were nothing compared to the gigantic problems that the world holds. Now as I have gotten older, and I hear my parents say the same thing to my younger siblings, I can’t help but laugh. 

The phrase is sometimes used to discredit people’s problems, however it is also used to explain how everyone experiences hardships; instead of letting those problems get the better of you, you should overcome them. Especially in the times that we are living in right now, during the Covid-19 crisis, where we’ve got even more problems than usual. There is so much negativity going around right now. Although it can be hard to “get over” our problems, instead of feeding into the negativity, we can help things move forward in the right direction.

So, instead of complaining about being forced to stay at your home, having remote work, remote learning, or even losing a job, do everything you can do to improve your situation. You don’t control the government, the virus, and the crazy people stocking up on toilet paper. The only thing you do control is yourself.

Control what you can control.

Take this time to improve yourself:

Once you take control of your own life, you realize that you aren’t so powerless.

Written by Caleb Goodwin

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