Plants and Emotional Health


Plants can bring a benefit to everyone’s emotional health. Research has shown surrounding yourself indoors or outdoors with nature can have positive influences on anxiety and stress, attention deficit, memory retention, depression, and memory retention. Plants bring greater happiness and life satisfaction, improved self-esteem, reduced effects of dementia, increased creativity, and even mitigation of PTSD.

Proximity to plants reduces stress

When you spend time, live near, or have a view of natural settings or vegetation, stress is often reduced. One study done by Groenewegen et al. in 2012 showed how the amount of green space in a residential area is related to the resident’s overall health. Another study showed individuals that lived in urban areas with more green space, often had lower mental distress and higher well-being (White et al. 2013).

Plants in the workplace can lead to better productivity

They can increase your attention span, lower stress levels, and make you feel more satisfied with your job. Many workplaces are now including plants into the design of the building. This also correlates to students, with better attention during tests and stress recovery.

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Plants help with depression

Being able to walk in nature or see nature helps decrease depression. A study done by McCaffrey in 2010 found that depression scores in older adults were decreased when garden walking and journaling were introduced into their activities.

Written by Noah Fleming

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