Trusted Adult


I was a pretty lucky kid growing up. I knew that I could talk to my mom or one of my sisters about anything that I needed to. They were pretty easy going people and still are and I am grateful for that. However; not everyone is as lucky.  Sometimes we don’t have that trusted adult in our lives that we can turn to when something is on our mind. But, having that trustworthy person in your life is extremely important to your overall community. 

Unfortunately, many people don’t have a trusted adult in their life. What that means for many is that when they are struggling they have no one to talk to. They take those struggles and pack them down, put them in a box and set them on the shelf. But, packing down problems, and hiding them does not help. Everyone needs someone they can talk to in an open and understanding environment. 

Are you not sure who could be a trusted adult for you? There are many possibilities if we look outside of the box.  

1: Parents

Sometimes our moms and dads are easy to talk to, and other times they are not. That’s Okay. Just know if they are a safe person for you.  

2: Grandparents

Many of us have strong connections with our grandparents. These are great people to be our trusted adults.   

3: Aunts or Uncles

I am the aunt to many wonderful nieces and nephews and I am happy and ready to help every single one of them. Do not underestimate how much your aunts and uncles love you. 

4: Teachers

Your teachers care about you immensely. They want you to be the best person that you can be and they are ready to talk to you about some of the hard things you may be struggling with. 

5: Coaches

We have a bond with the teams that we become a part of. Your coach wants to see you be your very best on the field or court, but also at home and in every other area of your life.  

Your trusted adult can be any adult in your life that you love, and that loves you back and wants what is very best for you. If you aren’t sure if your trusted adult is right for you then you can always find a Soulmedic to talk to 24/7!

Written by Tiffany Careins

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