Weird facts about sleep

I know we mention sleep a lot around here but that is because it is one of the most basic and important functions that help keep us healthy. We all know the basic facts about sleep: that we should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep. Although scientists also know that there are outlying factors where some humans can function within just 6 hours and some need as many as 10 hours. We also all typically know things that make us not sleep. Too much caffeine later in the day. Too much exposure to blue light via electronics. But here are some fun facts that you may not have known about sleep. For a complete list, Click Here to visit a site about sleep.

15 Fun Facts about Sleep

  1. Scientists still have not discovered why we sleep in the first place. 

  2. In the 17th century, people would sleep in two segments. When they woke up in the middle of the night they would get up and socialize and then go back to sleep for the second half of the night. Click Here to Learn More

  3. You sleep better during a new moon than a full moon, though science cannot tell us why. 

  4. Only humans delay sleep willingly of all mammals. (Maybe this is why your dog gives you a funny look for waking them up.)

  5. The perfect nap is 26 minutes.

  6. If your partner snores, you lose an average of one hour of sleep a night and can be woken up 20 times during the night. (No wonder husbands and wives used to sleep in separate rooms in the past.)

  7. The average person can only survive 10 days without sleep.

  8. If you stay awake for 16 hours, you experience the same symptoms as having a blood-alcohol level of .05%.

  9. Staying up all night reduces your ability to learn and remember facts by 40%, so skip the all-nighter and try studying ahead of time instead. 

  10. It is impossible to sneeze while you sleep

  11. You can lose a pound of weight just from sleeping!

  12. You can’t invent faces while you dream, you can only reflect those which you have already seen. 

  13. You can’t dream while you snore.

  14. You forget 50% of your dream in the first five minutes and 90% after 10 minutes of being awake. 

  15. The invention of color tv has changed the percentage of people who dream in black in white to those who dream in color. 

Written by Sharla Ball

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