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Polling Questions Asked During Events…

 WU104: Warm Up Question - Favorite Apps?

 WU101: Warm Up Question - Top Stressor?

 WU107: Warm Up Question - Are you an extrovert, introvert or ambivert?

 W011: How much do you know about RemedyLIVE? (0 - nothing // 10 - everything)

 WU103: Warm Up Question - How many hours a day do you sleep, on average?

 WU102: Warm Up Question - What type of parent structure do you have in your life?

 WU106: Warm Up Question - Do you have your drivers license?

 WU105: Warm Up Question - Do you have a part time job?

 G000: How are you... really? (0 - awful // 10 - fantastic)

 L101: On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

 L100: Have you or a friend misused a substance such as alcohol, vaping, RX drugs or illegal drugs in the last 6 months?


G001: If you had a secret struggle, would you tell someone about it?

 ESC003: Do you suffer from ongoing emotional pain?

 H001: Choose which ways you deal with difficulty in your life...

 ESC001: Which do you prefer?

 ESC000: What forms of escape can you most relate with?

 ESC002: Do you suffer from on-going physical pain?

 ESC004: In a few words, what are some other ways that you escape?

 ESC005: Do you think that escapism is damaging to your mental health?

 E401: How many hours a day do you use a smartphone or tablet, for something other than school or work?

 E402: Do you believe that social media affects your mental health?

 M419: Do you feel trapped in life?

 ESC014: What do you do to make yourself feel better?

 ESC015: Are there unhealthy patterns in your life that you need to cut out?

 M105: Do you consider yourself an angry person?

 M102: Have you been anxious in the last 30 days?

 M402: Regarding anxiety, choose which experiences you've had in the past 30 days.

 M101: Have you been depressed in the last 30 days?

 M104: Have you had serious thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days?

 M106: If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, have you told someone so they can support you?

 H000: Choose the answer that’s true for you- 

 H002: What substances have you used in the past 90 days. (Choose all that apply)

 H012: Does the use of illegal substances in our culture upset you? (0 - no // 10 - yes)

 H006: Have you ever witnessed illegal activity in the hallways of this school?

  H007: Do you feel that illegal substances are a problem at this school?

 H008: Have you ever been approached by a fellow student and offered an illegal substance?

 H009: Do you feel peer pressure to experiment or use illegal substances?

 H004: How dangerous do you think drugs are?

 H003: How likely are you to experiment with drugs?

 H015: Have you experimented with vaping?

 H014: How often are you exposed to drug or alcohol use outside school?

 H005: Do you believe you can trust what adults tell you about drugs and alcohol?

 H013: Do you have family members that use illegal substances?

 H016: Are you exposed to family members or friends who vape?

 H017: Are you encouraged by your parents to vape or use illegal substances?

 H011: Have you ever been offered illegal substances through an app?

 H010: If you have used illegal substances, share why…

 H101: Have you had a friend or family member overdose?

 H100: Have you lost a family member or friend to an overdose?

 M414: My first thought when I hear the word "shame" is...

 ESC009: How often do you lie to others?

 ESC010: How often do you lie to yourself?

 M420: If you needed help, do you know where to find it? 

 ESC006: How intentional are you to choose boredom over busyness?

 ESC007: How hard is it to stay distraction free, and be still with your own thoughts?

 ESC008: When you spend time in your own head, what messages do you hear about yourself?

 G099: If you had a secret struggle, would you tell someone about it?

 G116: Do you have a trusted adult here at school you could talk to about your secret struggle? If so, would you talk to them today?

 M005: Have you had a conversation with another student about depression, anxiety or another mental health issue in the past 30 days?

 M008: How difficult is it for you to ask others how they're REALLY doing?

 ESC011: If you struggle, can you identify what is at the root of your desire to escape from reality?

 ESC016: What is one step towards hope you will agree to do today?

 RATING8: How would you rate today's Get Schooled Tour Event? (0 - awful ___ 5 - fantastic)

  RATING7: What would you suggest we do to improve the Get Schooled Tour?

WIRED Specific

M201: My employer cares about my mental health.

M200: I am aware of what the employment assistance program looks like at work.

M202: What specific ways do you feel supported/ unsupported with your mental wellness here at work?

M203: Regarding my employment role here...

M205: Rate the "How are you... really?" culture here at work. 0 - nonexistent // 10 - very compassionate

G011: In your community, do you know where to access mental health services, and have you?

M003: Have you had a transparent conversation with someone about your/their mental health in the last 30 days?

 M001: How would you rate your own mental health at this time? (0 -poor // 10 - great)

M002: Choose which areas of your mental health concern you right now...

G004: Which of the following circumstances have been especially difficult in the past 30 days...

 G014: Do you feel you have positive, strengthening relationships right now?

 G301: Where do you rate yourself on the loneliness scale? 0 - not lonely // 10 - very lonely

 G302: In the last 30 days have you felt alone and that others don't truly care about you?

 G013: How do you see yourself right now?

 H001: Choose which ways you deal with difficulty in your life...


 ESC000: What forms of escape can you most relate with?


 ESC004: In a few words, what are some other ways that you escape?


 ESC008: When you spend time in your own head, what messages do you hear about yourself?


 ESC009: How often do you lie to others?


 ESC010: How often do you lie to yourself?


 M105: Do you consider yourself an angry person?


 ACES1: Select which childhood traumas you experienced...

 M008: How difficult is it for you to ask others how they're REALLY doing?


 M006: Do you have a friend who's struggling with a mental illness right now?


 G015: Do you have a family member or friend that you know is struggling with mental illness?


 G117: How transparent are you with people you know? 0 - not at all /// 10 - I share everything


 G017: If you do have a family member or friend that you know is experiencing mental illness, how do you support him or her?


 G016: Have you ever lost a friend or family member to suicide?


 M007: Do you have a friend that's told you they're struggling with thoughts of suicide?


 G006: How would you rate your self compassion? 0 - none // 10 - high


 G401: What areas do you find renewal/restoration?


 G010: How do you self care to maintain mental wellness?


 M408: Have you chosen to visit a professional counselor in the past year to strengthen your mental health?


 M409: Why have you not chosen to meet with a counselor in the past year?



 RATING4: How would you rate today's Wired Experience? (0 - awful ___ 5 - fantastic)


 RATING5: What suggestions or feedback would you have about today's Wired Experience?