Login/Account FAQs
Number Already on an account
It’s possible that your mobile phone number already has its own account from texting us to chat. If you would also like to chat via our website, email info@remedylive.com with the error message you received, your name, and with the phone number and email address associated with the chat account. We’ll delete any current accounts so that you can create one chat profile that allows you to talk to our SoulMedics online and via text.
Account is locked
If you receive a message that your account is locked, please email info@remedylive.com with the error message you received, your name, and with the phone number and email address associated with the chat account. Our team will use this information to look at the system and fix the problem.
Forgot password?
If you need to reset your password, please click the “Forgot Your Password” link on the sign-in page. Our team is unable to reset your password if you email us, so please follow the steps and only contact us if you experience further technical difficulties.
Mobile carrier not supported
All chat accounts must use a 2-step verification process with a valid mobile number through a US based major carrier/phone provider. This excludes any landlines, pre-paid phones, and VoIP numbers (i.e. internet or app generated mobile numbers). Not all carriers are supported with our system.
Other Login trouble?
Email us at info@remedylive.com with the error message you received, your name, and with the phone number and email address associated with the chat account. Our team will use this information to look at the system and fix the problem.