You need to be prepared with the right tools.

37% of Allen County youth haven’t made the definitive decision to avoid experimenting with drugs. Let that sink in for a moment. RemedyLIVE polled more than 24,000 students across Northeast Indiana, and nearly 9,000 students said they plan to, already have tried, or are open to experimenting with drugs.

As parents, we want to believe our kids would never take a pill, experiment with drugs, or make an unnecessary reckless decision. Until it happens. We avoid the conversation because it’s hard, and we hope it's unnecessary. But talking to your kids about drugs like fentanyl is a non-negotiable. But you first need to know what you’re dealing with. The link below will provide you with some incredible parent guide to help you better understand and to help navigate the conversation.

Worth the Effort

Song For Charlie has created an accessible and convenient fentanyl education course to help parents connect with their kids to have meaningful conversations about drugs today. This course includes flexible online sections that can be completed at your own pace.

Song For Charlie

What happens when that conversation leads to the need for treatment and recovery? Allendale Treatment is Indiana’s most trusted addiction treatment center. The road to recovery may be long and it may be difficult, but you’re not alone in the journey.

Allendale Treatment

Bare Knuckle Recovery is a team of recovering addicts now living in recovery utilizing their platform to bring education and resources to those touched by addiction. Together, we hope to save lives and reduce the stigma around addiction and seeking help.

Bare Knuckle Recovery

No matter your situation or struggle, you are never alone. You can always chat with one of our SoulMedics 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.