Change Your Thoughts --> Change your Attitude

I recently discovered something that I knew all along. I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t make any sense. Let me explain. Have you ever believed something that you weren’t entirely sure was accurate until someone much more intelligent than you verified for you what you already thought to be the case? 

It recently happened to me. 

I have told students for years. I tell my wife all the time. And I drill it into my kids. Two things: 1) You always have a choice, and 2) what we think drastically impacts how we choose to live. So any time I am around a more pessimistic person--someone who is more prone to be negative--I ask them to give me at least three positives. I want to hear something good. They usually ask me why because, truthfully, they don’t really want to search for the positive. It flies straight in the face with how they tend to think. 

But I do it because I have always believed that we, as high-level thinking people, can choose to change our mode of thinking, and therefore, change the attitudes we live by. And it turns out, I was right all this time. This incredible mind we have gives us the ability to sort of stand outside ourselves to observe our own thinking and replace the toxic thoughts we often feed ourselves with positive ones. This gives us a neurochemical rush that can change the structure of our brains, which results in improved intellect and health. In other words, you can actually alter DNA and genetics with how and what we think. 

Think of it this way. Expressing gratitude over and over again will inevitably make you a more grateful person. Expressing love and care for another person makes us more loving and caring. Constantly reminding yourself to be patient with others will make you a more patient person. But keep in mind, the opposite of all the above is also true. Hateful words and thoughts can turn you into a hateful person. 

It can be so easy to get frustrated, angry, put down other people, or lose our patience. It can be easy to look at what we have and convince ourselves that it’s not enough. But I would encourage you to try the three positives trick. When you feel your day turning overly negative, and things aren’t going your way, stop for a minute and think of (even write down) at least three good things. Something you are thankful for, good things that have happened, things that made you smile, etc. Slowly, over time, you will witness firsthand your brain beginning to change and your overall attitude not far behind.


  • Thinking positive is so impactful that we can actually change the genetic makeup in our brains. 

  • But the opposite is also true. Constant negative thinking can create a negative impact and effect on your brain.

  • Take time today (and every day) to think of and focus on three positives. 


  • When life happens, do you typically think more negatively or positively? 

  • Do you find it difficult to focus on gratitude, love, patience, kindness, etc.? Why or why not?

  • What difference do you think it would make to intentionally change your attitude?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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