Wide Awake at 2am

Have you ever had one of those nights when sleep actually sounds wonderful? You are so exhausted and have had such a busy day, that you have been counting down the minutes until your head hits the pillow. You fall asleep and all seems well, until all of the sudden you are awake. However, with a glance at the clock, you notice it is the wee hours of the morning. But instead of falling back asleep, your brain has kicked into high gear and wants to race to solve every problem you can think of right that very minute. 

I personally have experienced many nights like this, and it is such an exhausting process. I know that I need to get good sleep in order to function well the rest of the day, but no matter what I try to tell myself, rest seems to be elusive as my mind whirls in every direction. Thankfully, I have figured out a few ways that help bring peace and sleep to an anxious spirit. 

One of those ways is to simply relax first and not let myself get worked up about being awake. Turning my sleeplessness into frustration or impatience by staring at the clock will only make things worse. Instead, I take a deep breath, turn on some calming music, and try to figure out the message that my mind is sending me.

Next, I grab a pen and a journal and use a soft light that keeps the room mostly dark or a device with the blue light turned off. I begin by writing out all of my thoughts and feelings that I am experiencing. This continues until I can’t think of anything else to write. When I’m done with the list, I look back over it and find comfort in the fact that everything that is written down can actually be solved later in the day when I am better able to think it through - it is okay to let it go for now. Many times I am able to go back to sleep after I complete this step. 

Other nights, I grab a book or ebook and spend some time reading until my brain has relaxed enough that sleep no longer feels like a challenge. Choosing to have easy or even slightly boring books nearby for a sleepless night can help me ease back into the right state of mind for sleeping. 

Do any of these methods seem like something you could plan on trying the next time you are awake when you would rather be sleeping? You could also try coloring, mindfully relaxing your muscles, adjusting your body temperature, getting a small drink of water, or focusing on taking deep, slow breaths. Waking up earlier than you would like to is never an ideal situation; however, if you make a plan beforehand of how you will handle it, it doesn’t have to ruin your entire night.


  • If you frequently awaken in the middle of the night, plan to have some relaxation strategies nearby to help you return to sleep as soon as possible. 

  • Avoid doing brain stimulating activities if you wake up in the middle of the night such as checking social media, responding to emails, or playing games that keep you awake. 

  • Writing out your thoughts and feelings can help validate them and also put you at ease to know that it is okay to let things go for the night and tackle them when you feel more refreshed later.  


  • Do you often struggle with waking up in the early hours of the morning? If so, are there any noticeable patterns as to why this may happen?

  • What is one relaxing method you could plan on trying out should you struggle with falling back asleep? 

  • Why is it helpful to know how to handle restless nights ahead of time instead of giving in to frustration when they happen?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit RemedyLIVE.com/chat anytime, day or night.

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