Return to Normal


We have officially been quarantined for another month.  I know that looks different for many of us. I will continue to work from home, but my husband will continue to go to work every day.  Some of you may be losing a job temporarily and worried about how your bills will be paid. Others are disappointed or excited that they may not have to go back to school for the rest of the year.  The one thing I keep telling myself is “I just want everything to go back to normal.”  

What does that mean, back to normal?  And how was your normal in the first place?  These are all questions that can be reflected upon during this time of isolation and unknown.  Instead of being in a hurry to return to normal, let’s take a few minutes to think about which parts of our normal are worth rushing back to.  

Here are a few things to think about as you reflect on your current state of normalcy.

1: Am I happy in my career? 

An article from tells us that more than half of all workers are unhappy in their careers.  Maybe you don’t enjoy the environment you work in or your coworkers. It could be that you just feel unfulfilled in the work that you are doing.  Are you taking your high-stress job home with you at night and negatively affecting your home life? 

2: Do my friends make me happy? 

With advancements in technology, one would think it is easier than ever to make friends, but sometimes that just isn’t the case.  When was the last time you evaluated how your relationships are with your friends? A good indicator is if you are giving more than you are receiving from them.  If you are, they could be toxic and it may be time to let them go. 

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3: How is my health? 

This can be broken into two parts, how is my physical health and how is my emotional or mental health?  Less than 5% of adults in America participate in some form of physical activity daily.  Along with your physical health, your mental health can take a toll as well.  Millions of Americans struggle with depression and anxiety.  How is your normal health?

So, before you rush back to life as usual maybe you can take this time to slow down and reflect?  Wouldn’t it be nice to look at this time of isolation and know that you were able to truly think about what you want your daily normal to look like, and take control of it?  Your normal is in your hands, and is whatever you make of it!   

Written by Tiffany Careins

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