Invest in What You Have to Offer

I once read about a wealthy business owner who had an incredible opportunity to invest in some businesses overseas. However, the trip would take several months or even years. So the business owner decided he would entrust various pieces of the company to three of his best leaders. The job would require these leaders to take whatever part of the business was given to them and be successful with their portion. These guys were the best of the best--talented, resourceful, and had incredible business minds. There was no one else the owner could trust or rely on more. 

The day finally came. The owner packed his bags and assigned responsibilities. He gave one leader responsibility for five of the ten divisions of the company. To the second, he assigned three divisions. And finally, the third took the last two divisions. Everything was set, and the boss took off. 

Months ended up turning into years until finally, the owner returned. He called a meeting to see how things went with the company back home in the hands of his most reliable and talented leaders. The leader with five divisions created new products, added to the workforce, and tripled company profits. The second did much of the same and ended up doubling profits. But the third didn’t do anything. When asked why, he responded that he was so fearful of losing what he had been given that he spent all his time and energy keeping the status quo. He explained that it was far too much work and far too risky investing in the company and much easier and safer to carry on as business as usual. 

The owner quickly fired the third leader and promoted the other two. 

Have you ever been given something of incredible value that you could have invested in but failed to do so? Did the fear of failure paralyze you into complacency? Just being lazy? Why ruin a good thing? At one time or another and in one way or another, we all do this with money and possessions. But did you know that we also are guilty of doing the same thing with the skills and talents we have been given? 

You have been given specific talents, skills, or gifts. These are often the things you love and the things you can do--whatever they might be. And they are meant to be invested in. Maybe you’re the best at something, or perhaps you’re just average. Either way, we have a responsibility to take care of what we have and multiply it. Every one of us has been given an incredible gift in one capacity or another. The question is, which leader are you? The one who is scared and lazy--who won’t take the risk? Or the one determined to double or even triple your portion?


  • Every person has been given gifts, skills, talents, and abilities. It is our responsibility to invest in them and use them. 

  • One key reason some of us would rather not invest in our own gifts and talents is because it involves risk. 

  • While risk can be exciting for some, for others, it can be paralyzing.


  • What are some of the things you believe are your gifts and talents?

  • If you were to insert yourself into the story, which leader do you think you would be? Why?

  • If you have taken the risk, what results have you seen from it?

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