One Food Goal

Ready to set one food goal? Do a quick internet search, and you’ll find endless suggestions about nutrition—what to eat, what to never EVER eat (OMG!), and what the expert of the day advises. I’ve read boatloads of theories, tried lots of diets, suffered some disasters and had some big successes. In the end, I think it boils down to one thing: Eat nourishing food. 

A simple concept, but what does it mean? One man’s story put it into perspective for me. He studied people groups who maintained health over several generations. His name was Weston A. Price.

In the early 1900s, Price, a dentist and leading dental researcher, saw increasing dental problems in modernizing society. After studying the problems, he suspected they were connected to things that were missing from the diet. To test the theory, he studied pockets of people all over the world who retained excellent dental health (Masterjohn, 2014).

Price went to isolated people groups who lived without processed foods in their diets, and he collected samples, did examinations and carefully documented what each group ate. Their meals were much more natural and nutrient-dense than the processed foods his patients ate back home. Illness, dental decay, and mental health problems in the people he studied were extremely rare (Masterjohn, 2014).

As a control group, he compared these isolated groups with people from the same groups who had moved to cities and were eating processed food. Processed food, he determined, causes tooth decay and sickness (Masterjohn, 2014). 

Price’s research helped me set nutritional goals. I changed my diet, and my health dramatically improved. I learned:

All calories are not equal. Processed sugar has no nutritional value. Real food from gardens, from farms with healthy soil, from healthy farm animals, and homemade in your kitchen all tend to be nutritious. Processed and man-made food has a long shelf life, but most of the nutrients end up damaged or destroyed. Lab-made nutrients are often added back in, but they don’t have the variety and right quantities for synergistic use in your body. 

Quality over quantity. Traditional societies paid attention to how animals were raised and the health of the soil where food was grown. Healthy plants and healthy animals meant higher nutrients on their plates. They chose food made by nature over food made in factories. 

Variety is important. We tend to load up on certain foods, but our bodies need variety. We get different nutrients from eggs, butter, real cheeses, meats, fish, various traditional grains, bone broth, olive and coconut oil, various vegetables, and fruit, so it’s a good idea to eat a combination of these.

Avoid toxins. Our bodies have ways to clear toxic chemicals, but the processes use valuable resources and get overloaded. Toxins pollute our bodies and cause problems like an overflowing dumpster spilling garbage everywhere. Try to avoid them! 

The above four points form one sensible goal: Eat nourishing food! 


Masterjohn, C. (2014). The scientific approach of Weston Price. The Weston A. Price Foundation. Retrieved from

Price, WA. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: Eighth Edition. La Mesa, CA: Price- Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (2009).


  • Not all food is created equal; Food should be nourishing!

  • Weston A Price conducted extensive studies on non-modern societies and found that people with high nutrient content in their food tended to be healthy and have strong teeth. 

  • A variety of nature-made foods from healthy, toxin-free animals and plants are important for healthy bodies and healthy minds. 


  • What kinds of food do you usually eat? 

  • Have you ever thought about how your food choices can affect your health and mental health? 

  • What are a few changes you could make to move towards more nourishing choices?

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Goals Just for Fun!


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