Find a Hobby Now! Here's Why.

Find a hobby now. I mean it. Right now. If you have one, great! But keep reading because you’re going to need my reasons to help convince another person to do the same. But if you’re like many people, you think you don’t have time, talent, or the money right now to start a new hobby. You’re wrong. Let me explain. 

Several years ago, in my days as a teacher, a group of students bought me some Legos for my birthday. But these were not just any old Legos. This was Marvel’s Helicarrier from the Avengers movie--one of my favorites. I’m talking 3000 pieces of Lego bliss, more than 100 pages of instructions, and easily a few hundred dollars to purchase. I know what you’re thinking. My students are outstanding. And you would be right. 

Almost every night for a month, I got lost in Legos for thirty minutes or so. I took my time, carefully constructed my masterpiece, and when finished, happily displayed it on a shelf for all to see. To this day, it sits fully built in my office and serves as the center of conversation for everyone that comes in. Over the years, I have added steadily to my Marvel collection, and Legos have become an official hobby. I love it for a couple of reasons. First, because, let’s be real, I love Marvel--the movies, the legos, I even have action figures in my office at work. But second--and more importantly--building Legos allows me to get lost in the moment. And that’s what’s so great about hobbies--getting lost in the moment. This is why you need a hobby. 

I hear from others all the time, “I’m too busy for a hobby.” Well, the truth is, you’re too busy to not have a hobby. Hobbies have a unique way of reducing your stress level, creating greater opportunities for social interaction, increasing performance in work and school, bettering sleep, and even increasing happiness. You will get better at structuring your time and more than likely spend less time binge-watching TV, which let’s be honest, can be a big waste of time. Our overall mental health benefits greatly from our involvement in a hobby. Do you need a better reason? A hobby can provide immense peace and stillness and a necessary distraction where your self-consciousness disappears. In other words, we get lost in what we are doing, and we all need that break.

Find something new, rediscover something old. Is there something you have always wanted to try? Now is the time. Don’t worry about being good. That’s not the point. What about something you gave up years ago and wish you hadn’t? Get back at it. 

I mean it. Find a hobby now.


  • Hobbies are a critical and essential piece to our overall mental health. 

  • Hobbies allow us to get lost in something else, thereby reducing stress and increasing happiness. 

  • Don’t waste time trying to find time, restart an old hobby, or pick up a new one, right now. 


  • Think about all the things you did for fun as a kid. What’s one thing you wish you still did for fun?

  • Is there a hobby or skill you have always dreamt of starting? 

  • What would it take for you to pick up an old hobby or start a new one today?

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