selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic

Photo Books

One of my very favorite parts of Facebook is viewing my memories from years past. My old posts contain photos of my children when they were babies, friends from my college days, and written thoughts that highlight happy memories that I’ve made. They fill me with joy as I think about each day and see the history of my life unfold before me. 

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I’ve somehow found a few good recipes in the past couple years, and I’m telling you, now, two loaves don’t last more than 36 hours in my house. Sometimes I can be a little reluctant to start baking, but once I do, I’m completely in the zone and am loving it. I put some music on and have the food to focus on instead of whatever I’m worried or stressed out about.  Baking is a great way to release stress and relax in a productive way. Sometimes trying to relax through something like watching TV doesn’t feel great. People like to rest in other ways that feel productive but stressless at the same time, and baking can be one of those ways. 

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic


Growing up, I was a reader and writer. It was what I did in my spare time. My imagination ran wild and those were my outlets. As I grew older, I lost time for such things. I didn’t find joy in them anymore. For years I went without a hobby. I worked hard and was happy, but when I clocked out of my job I went home to nothing that brought me real joy or peace after a long day. Netflix and chill was a dangerous and vegetative state that became my evening routine. While this can be a good way to unwind and relax, I can assure you that your mind will eventually grow bored. Your body will itch for movement.

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What is a Hobby?

The word “hobby” is thrown around a lot - maybe too much? Between school, work, extracurriculars, etc, etc... It’s easy to lose track of what’s a hobby in your life. If you have lost track, here’s a simple definition: an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. Now let’s break that down a bit. 

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic

Sitting Outside

A lot of us have an image in our heads of us sitting on the porch in our rocking chairs at an old age, watching the cars and people go by. It’s a common stereotype of the elderly, but the thought of relaxing outside on a beautiful summer day also tends to bring us peace. There’s something about the outdoors that allows us to exhale. That’s why a lot of people choose to vacation in National Parks all throughout the year. But you don’t have to go to Yellowstone or the Great Smoky Mountains to feel the peace of nature. Simply spending some time right outside your front door can have a similar impact.

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic

Bullet Journaling

Whether it be school, work, sports, or just maintaining a social life, our day to day lives can get pretty hectic sometimes. A way I like to calm down and destress after a long day of rushing from activity to activity is bullet journaling. A bullet journal is a journal of your own design with the purpose of recording the past, organizing the present, and planning the future. Bullet journaling is a simple but effective way to organize your thoughts and free up brain space each month. It can be however simple or detailed you want it to be and all you need is a dotted journal and a writing utensil. A bullet journal keeps track of your goals each month and it’s fun to look back on and see how far you’ve come. It’s also a great way to get your creativity flowing. 

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There are few hobbies that require as little to get started as drawing or sketching. Although this may seem like an intimidating hobby at first, drawing is really more about the way you see things than anything else. And like anything else, it can absolutely be learned. There are countless books or online tutorials about how to draw. The one thing that connects them all is the learned ability to look so closely at something or someone that you can break it down into shapes, shades, and angles. Besides, who doesn’t love an artist?!

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Acting and Performing

When it comes to hobbies, not all of us can throw a mean curve ball, set records sprinting down the final stretch of the track, or sink a basket for our teammates. Thankfully, sports aren’t the only game in town, and there is one incredible option available to most that celebrates an entirely different set of skills. I’m talking about drama. Theater. The stage. Musicals and plays. Linked to these events are communities that tend to celebrate the things that make us different. Besides, it takes just as much courage to perform in front of all your classmates and family as it does to play a football game or cheer.

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Be a Local Tourist

With life in the midwest, the winter time can bring out the blahs, and sometimes to fight it, I will start planning our family’s spring and summer getaways to new locations. However, I often overlook the amazing gems of entertainment, scenic views, and privately owned restaurants that are only a short drive away. Sometimes our own city or state begins to feel so ordinary to us that we forget to seek out the treasures that are right around us. When that happens, it is time to think like a tourist while still keeping it local. 

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One of the very best things about chess is the way it requires those who play it to consider the board from the other player’s perspective. You’ll never be a very good chess player if you can’t see the moves your opponent might make. A great game of chess requires two players who are actively aware of the possibilities before each of them and how those possibilities change with every move on the board. This is wonderful for a number of reasons, the most apparent being that it challenges those who play to develop and deepen their theory of mind, an integral part of having empathy (Stanborough, 2020).

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