Bullet Journaling

Whether it be school, work, sports, or just maintaining a social life, our day to day lives can get pretty hectic sometimes. A way I like to calm down and destress after a long day of rushing from activity to activity is bullet journaling. A bullet journal is a journal of your own design with the purpose of recording the past, organizing the present, and planning the future. Bullet journaling is a simple but effective way to organize your thoughts and free up brain space each month. It can be however simple or detailed you want it to be and all you need is a dotted journal and a writing utensil. A bullet journal keeps track of your goals each month and it’s fun to look back on and see how far you’ve come. It’s also a great way to get your creativity flowing. 

How do I start a bullet journal? Starting a bullet journal is actually easier than it sounds, as I said before all you need is a dotted journal and a writing utensil. And of course to follow the steps below!

  1. Start off by numbering your pages - Open your journal and start and number every page, this will help when you create your index. 

  2. Think about what you want to put in your bullet journal - This is when the brainstorming comes in, think about anything you want to add into your bullet journal. Some basics are mood, water, budget, and habit trackers. You could add a page to list your favorite songs, add a planner, or to track which movies you’ve watched. That’s the best part about a bullet journal, it’s made by and for you! And if you’re short on ideas, or can’t picture how they are supposed to look, Pinterest has limitless inspiration!

  3. Create your index - Start by splitting up your journal into twelve sections and labeling them for each month. Remember to reserve a page or two for your index. Now take your list of ideas for your bullet journal and plan out how you want it to be ordered for each of those months. Keep in mind the number of pages you have for each month, and how many pages each of your ideas will take up so you can plan accordingly! After you have laid this out, go back to your journal and flip to where the index will be and set it up. List what page everything is supposed to be on. This will help you find everything easier. And if you feel the need, let your creative juices flow and decorate it!

  4. Create and decorate your bullet journal - This is where the fun begins! It’s time to create your bullet journal! Take all of your ideas and put them on paper! Let your creativity run wild! You don’t have to do this all at once seeing as the more detailed your pages are the more time they will take. Make it at whatever pace suits you. And get as creative as you would like! Use markers, highlighters, stickers, gel pens, colored pencils, or anything else that comes to mind to make each page pop! You could even plan out different themes for each month. July’s could be ice cream, May’s could be flowers, it’s completely up to you.

  5. Use it - Once you have finished setting up your bullet journal, it’s time to use it! Put it in a place where you will see it every day or set up a reminder so you can fill it out. Check in every night and fill out each page. What was your mood today? What habits did you keep up? Do you find a new song you like? Did you reach one of your goals? Write it all down. And it’s no big deal if you miss a day, just  fill it out the day after. Before you know it, you will have a journal full of your accomplishments and much more free brain space! 

Bullet journaling isn’t just for the most creative perfect person in the world, it’s for everyone! If this interests you, maybe you should try making a bullet journal. You never know how much you might like it!

Reference: Steele, Jamie. 2020, June 26, “3 Big Benefits Of Bullet Journaling.” Retrieved from



  • Bullet Journaling can help you free up brain space, destress, stay organized, plan ahead, track your goals and habits, and get your creativity flowing.

  • All you need to make a bullet journal is a dotted journal and a writing utensil. If you want to get creative, use markers, stickers, gel pens, colored pencils, or highlighters.

  • Try to keep a bullet journal for a month, see if anything changes. How long can you keep a bullet journal?


  • Are you an organized or creative person? Why or why not?

  • Do you think organization benefits you? Why or why not?

  • Do you think having a bullet journal would improve your mood? Why or why not?

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