Scheduling Rest

Society constantly tells us that we need to “Go, go go!” or we’re lazy, unambitious, or unmotivated. Even in this rising self-care movement, it can still seem like resting is frowned upon. However, rest is imperative! If we are constantly moving, thinking, working, etc., eventually, we will burn ourselves out and become irritable and all around exhausted. I personally struggled with this last year. 

I was in my senior year of undergrad, applying for six grad schools, working, volunteering, and leading/participating in several groups. I almost always had something going on. I like to be busy, but I was worn out. I had maxed my stress threshold. I had high anxiety because of my unknown future, and I wasn’t giving myself any grace. I ended up seeking out counseling due to my first panic attack. I started pouring out everything to my therapist, and she was so validating. She asked about rest, and I realized I wasn't resting. I used to be better about this balance but had started struggling in the summer. She brought up the concept that every week has 21 squares, 3 each day (morning, afternoon, evening). She challenged me to take one square for myself every week for the next couple weeks. This could be seeing a friend, painting, watching a favorite show, whatever I needed. I was hesitant, but I said I would try it. 

My brother would come over every Wednesday night. I’d make dinner, we’d talk, and then watch a show together. After he left, I would usually work for a couple more hours before heading to bed. However, instead of going back to work, could I rest? Scheduling it in, I tried it for a couple weeks. I was convinced that resting would put me behind. I barely had enough time for everything as it was, how was I going to have time to rest too? However, I was astonished at the results. I was still able to finish everything I needed to get done, plus some AND still had time to rest. So, my productivity level went up, I felt more energized and rejuvenated, my anxiety level decreased, and I was happier. Wednesday nights became something I looked forward to every week. 

All that said, are you scheduling time to rest? Whether you’re taking a whole day, like a Sunday, or just a square or two a week, it’s important to make time for yourself. The fact that my productivity level actually increased motivated me to build this habit. Actually scheduling a time helps too. Look at your schedule for the week and see where you could pencil in an evening, afternoon, or morning to do something YOU want to do. What activity truly brings you joy? What hobby did you love for years and want to get back into? Schedule it in! I’m positive you’ll be amazed at what happens when you give yourself grace and time to rest. 


  • When we don’t schedule time to rest, we are less likely to actually rest.

  • Find and schedule a time this week to rest, doing what truly brings you joy.

  • Give it a couple weeks and reevaluate - do you notice the difference?


  • Do you make rest a priority in your life?

  • How often are you resting?

  • Do you think society teaches us that rest is for the weak or the strong?

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Work vs. Rest


Prioritizing Sleep