Sitting Outside

Written by: Zach

A lot of us have an image in our heads of us sitting on the porch in our rocking chairs at an old age, watching the cars and people go by. It’s a common stereotype of the elderly, but the thought of relaxing outside on a beautiful summer day also tends to bring us peace. There’s something about the outdoors that allows us to exhale. That’s why a lot of people choose to vacation in National Parks all throughout the year. But you don’t have to go to Yellowstone or the Great Smoky Mountains to feel the peace of nature. Simply spending some time right outside your front door can have a similar impact.

Now I think we could all agree that it’s usually not a matter of if we’d like to spend time outside, it’s normally either a matter of having enough time or having enough willpower to get off our devices and take in some fresh air. However, it doesn't have to be for hours on end. Just take a chair and sit in your front or backyard for a few minutes (without your phone of course), and just enjoy being outside. Take a break from whatever stresses have been bothering you and try to pay attention to certain sounds. Listen to the birds or the wind blowing through the trees. Maybe you live in a busier area, in which case you can pay attention to the cars going by or people walking down the sidewalk. It sounds so simple and, really, it is! Just carve out some of your free time to relax and become immersed in nature, right in your yard!

Now I know that some of you might be thinking to yourself “this sounds kind of boring”. Maybe you don’t like the thought of just sitting and doing nothing. In that case, bring some reading material. And that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to bring a novel. Find a magazine or something else quiet that you could look at. You don’t need to overthink it, just find something that interests you. You could even invite a friend or bring a family member outside with you to chat with for a little while. Either way, this activity can be so easy, yet so rewarding. Just taking some time to step back and breathe is very beneficial to our mental health. 

Again, it doesn’t have to be anything major. Just spend anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes in an area where you won’t be distracted by school/work, social media, or anything else. If you find yourself having trouble with your thoughts, take a few controlled breaths - in for 5 seconds and out 5 seconds for about 1 minute. Try to think about things you enjoy doing and pick out different things you see while sitting. If reading, try to choose something you would like to read about and avoid things that will cause you to feel more stress or anger; i.e., politics or current events. When talking with another person, keep the conversation lighthearted and don’t forget to enjoy everything around you. By making this a habit, you might start looking forward to this time in your day, when you can sit back and allow yourself not to be bothered. Who knows, you may keep doing this until one day you really are that friendly elderly man or woman, rocking in your chair and waving at the people passing by.


  • Being outside allows us to get fresh air and escape our stressful lives for a few moments.

  • Listening to the sounds of nature can bring us peace.

  • Try to plan 3 days this week where you go outside and relax (make sure you think about weather).


  • How often are you inside during the day?

  • Is there a time of day or type of weather you find most peaceful?

  • Is there anything else you could do outside during this time that you find relaxing?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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