
“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.” -Victor Hugo

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Sometimes the easiest solution is to step back from the problem, take a deep breath, and look to the birds. My neighbor loves birds and has every imaginable type of bird feeder in her yard. The finches, blue jays, sparrows, robins, and doves fill her yard and filter into mine, fluttering, fussing, and filling the trees and fence posts. It is mesmerizing, calming. 

What is it about bird watching? The simple hobby has probably existed as far back as humanity itself. Birds are fascinating. They’ve inspired artists, poets, scientists, musicians, inventors, explorers, and all of us normal people, too! They help us remember, as Victor Hugo stated, that as delicate as a bird is, she still sings and soars. 

Here are some reasons to consider bird watching to improve and enrich your life:

De-stressing. Modern studies confirm the benefits of the long-time hobby. In 2017, the University of Exeter published a study that concluded “[a]fter conducting extensive surveys…that lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress were associated with the number of birds people could see.” The act of bird watching improved mental health.

Meditation. Watching birds involves calm, patient observation. It is a slowdown activity that inspires reconnection with nature and earth. It is a meditation of sorts. Even in the middle of the city, sit in silence for a moment or two, and chances are, you’ll hear the healing trills of an original, live musical performance. There are plenty of sources online with bird watching and bird songs for meditation and relaxation, but stepping outdoors to observe has even better benefits!

Inspiration. Bird watching brings wonder, inspiration, and deep thought. Their flight, colors, patterns, songs, interactions, and movements stir our curiosity and creativity. Writer Anne Lamott listed bird watching among several other activities which “can give a person almost everything that he or she has been searching for: enlivenment, peace, meaning, and the incalculable wealth of time spent quietly in beauty.” Those difficult-to-find qualities are valuable for inspiring our thoughts and restoring and filling our souls.

Entertainment. Birds are amusing. It’s fun to watch them flutter, hop around, fly, find food, build nests, and interact with each other. When birds build their nests, we are privy to an amazing construction project, an unfolding story of resilience as tiny birds withstand storms and winds, and the wonder of watching tiny eggs transform into soaring wonders.

Whether you go for a walk in a park, or sit near a bird feeder in your backyard, bird watching can bring healing and restoration to your body and soul.

Reference: University of Exeter. (2017). Watching birds near your home is good for your mental health: People living in neighborhoods with more birds, shrubs and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress." ScienceDaily. Retrieved from


  • If you are looking for a fun, relaxing way to reduce stress, the age-old tradition of bird watching may be a good choice. 

  • Bird watching has been known to help us de-stress, encourage meditation, inspire our creativity, and provide entertainment. 

  • Get outdoors this week and try some birdwatching!


  • Do you spend much time simply observing nature? 

  • Next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, why not take a few minutes to bird watch? 

  • Does bird watching affect your mood?

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It Might be the Most Underrated Hobby


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