Music as the Ultimate Coping Mechanism

Few things in this world define us more than music. Not just as individuals, but entire generations. Music has a unique way of telling our stories, helping us communicate, and navigating our victories and our failures. Music becomes the battle cry that unites even the fiercest of enemies. During my high school days, I was smack dab in the middle of the grunge movements of the 1990s--and I was the poster child. Long hair, loose jeans, and flannel were the standard dress code, and perpetually angry was the required attitude. That world of music is still my preferred playlist. The high-energy, angry guitar riffs still take me right back to my high school hallways, my bedroom filled with posters, and all the concerts I was fortunate to attend. That music in those days was an enormous part of how I managed to make my way through the tumultuous teenage years. 

But music does more than just help us survive being a teen. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, every sporting event played not just the National Anthem but God Bless America. The song took on an entirely new meaning. Or just think about the emotion delivered from everything from college fight songs to Christmas songs. Music takes us to some of the greatest places and helps us deal with some of life’s biggest hurts. 

So carve out some time this week to jump on your favorite music app, dig out some old CDs or tapes, or heck, grab the record player. Take yourself back in time, enjoy the memories, and think about the role this music played in your life. How did music get you through some tough times? How did music help you celebrate? Do you remember the first time you heard it? I recently created a playlist of every song I could find from high school proms and homecoming dances. Then I played them for my kids. We talked and laughed for hours. 

But don’t stop there because it doesn’t end there. Keep finding new music. 

Chances are, you’re not the same person you used to be. Your tastes and level of tolerance have likely changed since even a couple years ago. How you hear music can change, and indeed what you enjoy changes. I never liked musicals or folk style of music growing up. I was all about the alternative rock and some heavy metal. But if you walk into my house today, chances are we are jamming to Hamilton or NeedToBreathe. It’s new music for a new chapter. 

Music has played a crucial role in literally every generation since the beginning. So don’t ignore its power and influence in your life.


  • No matter who you are or where you are from, music has had some kind of impact on you. 

  • It’s essential to look back and enjoy the role music has played in your life. 

  • Have fun playing some old favorites and finding new stuff too.


  • What has been some of your favorite music over the years? Why? 

  • How has music pulled you through some tough times or helped you celebrate the good times?

  • What kind of influence is music having on your life right now?

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