Sleep Supplies

Have you ever thought about what truly goes into a good night of rest? There are so many environmental factors that can impact how we even get to sleep and stay asleep that are important to address. 

  1. A comfortable mattress. As children and young teenagers, just about any sleeping situation will do. However, as we get older, our bodies need a particular type of space to sleep on in order to feel truly rested. Do you need a firm mattress or a lot of squish? Consider your sleeping position - you may need more squish if you sleep on your side versus on your back or stomach. 

  2. Good bedding. Yes, your blankets and sheets matter too. Some people don’t like to sleep with any blankets, some are sleeping under 3. What are your sheets and blankets made out of? Do you have enough of everything? Also, please clean your sheets - it’s refreshing and a good hygienic practice.

  3. A supportive pillow. Again, when we are younger, we can use whatever pillow is around; however, as time goes on, we need to find the right level of support for our heads and necks.The firmness or softness matters here too, as well as the shape and size. For example, if you sleep on your back or stomach, you might consider a thinner pillow. What your pillow is filled with matters too, especially if you have allergies. Check to see what is supporting your head/neck.

  4. The right temperature. Nothing is worse than waking up in the middle of the night sweating right through your clothes or waking up shivering. Our body temperature lowers at night, which means turning down the house temperature can keep us from overheating in the middle of the night. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what temperature setting is best for you, but you can always use a fan or a space heater as well.

  5. Noise control. Nothing is worse than not being able to sleep because there is too much noise around you. If you live in the city and hear cars or trains or planes all the time, consider getting ear plugs or a noise machine to drown out the busy sounds. Some people also enjoy listening to nature sounds or music as they fall asleep. Try not to fall asleep to the TV though, it creates abnormal noises we shouldn’t hear while we sleep.

  6. Darkness. Our bodies naturally get sleepier when it is dark out, it’s a part of our Circadian rhythm. We need darkness to help our bodies fall asleep and stay asleep. Don’t have the TV on while sleeping, the bright lights will only confuse your body more. Close curtains or invest in a blackout curtain to keep the light out while you sleep.

All of these are important supplies and environmental factors to consider when you go to sleep. Examine your bedroom - do you have everything you need to have a successful night of sleep? Or are there a few of these areas that may need a little help? Get them!


  • The environment around us matters when it comes to getting to sleep and staying asleep.

  • A comfortable mattress, good bedding, a supportive pillow, the right temperature, noise control, and darkness are all important factors to consider in getting good sleep.

  • Take a look at your sleep supplies. Make sure you have what you need to ensure a successful night of sleep.


  • What of the list do you need to get or work on to get a good night of sleep?

  • Which of these sleep supplies have you not really considered or cared about before?

  • How have you been sleeping recently?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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