Vacation at Home

I live in a state that is very cold and gray during the winter, and come February, I am always wishing to get away and experience something different or at least a bit warmer. For various reasons, however, I haven’t had the opportunities to make those dreams a reality yet. That doesn’t mean that I can’t soak up some of the benefits of a getaway like that right in my own home though. 

Ever since my kids were really young, we have started a family tradition of having a beach night one evening in February. How we pull this off may differ slightly each year, but there are some common elements that make this event something we look forward to. We start off by dressing for the occasion, yes this includes our swimsuits! Depending on the particular vacation theme, you could dress however fits the chosen scenario, but it really helps you get in the mood when your clothing matches the environment you want to recreate. Next, we plan out a special meal. For us this always includes our favorite summer foods, such as hotdogs and macaroni, totally simple, but it can also be as fancy or plain as you prefer. Dessert is usually ice cream or s’mores. Next, we all work together to turn our family room into a beach using props of beach towels, stuffed sea creatures, a YouTube live cam video of Hawaii or another tropical location, and even our space heater to help us feel like we are sunbathing on the beach. Lastly, we enjoy a movie together as a family that is set on or near a beach, and it helps seal in the mood of a luxury trip for about as cheap as it gets. We have the added benefit of not being covered in sand and sleeping in our own beds at night time too. 

I share all this in hopes to spark your own creativity. Perhaps there is somewhere you have always wanted to visit, but for whatever reason, the actual trip just won’t fit in your plans at this time. Don’t let that be a discouragement from reaping the benefits of a vacation, even if it is just a recreated one. Perhaps you make it into a party to invite friends, or gather your family to discuss and prepare the details, or maybe you simply treat yourself to a little luxury in the comfort of your own home. While it might not be exactly the same as exploring a new place, you might be surprised at the benefits and rest that are found in vacationing at home. You’ll get the taste of anticipation as you plan for your event, you’ll get the enjoyment of doing something different, and your brain will rest easy after the fun is had as it basks in the warm memories that were made. Other bonuses are no jet lag to contend with, no post-vacation blues, and no suitcases to unpack! When you can’t take that long hoped for vacation, bring the vacation to you!


  • A vacation at home can bring a sense of fun and rest as you break your routine without breaking the bank. 

  • You can put as much or as little effort into planning your at home getaway depending on what elements you value most when you think about your dream vacation. 

  • Whether it is reading a new book with a background scene of a beach cam on the TV and the heater or fireplace keeping you toasty, or totally embracing a new culture and making it come alive through food, music, or a movie, your vacation at home can stretch as high as your own imagination, and the memories will be just as good as taking a trip without the exhaustion of traveling.


  • What kind of vacation is your favorite, and what elements of it could you recreate at home?  

  • Can you think of any other benefits of adding a vacation at home day or days to your calendar each year?

  • Who would you like to invite to experience your ideal recreation of a vacation with you? Family? Friends? Or would you prefer the peace and solitude of a quiet, but maybe slightly more exotic, night or day at home?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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