Need Inspiration? Attend a Play!

Sometimes a Facebook post can change the trajectory of your life, at least that is what happened with our family. My son and I had been reading the book, The Hobbit, and that's when I noticed a post about a local youth theater company putting on a play based on the story. Thinking it would be the perfect opportunity to connect more with the book, we bought our tickets and attended the show. We were blown away by the acting, the energy, and excitement of the story. Actually, the joy we experienced was so amazing that the next year my son enrolled with the same theater company and began learning to act.

Now that we are a pretty much a fully involved theater family, I have gotten a backstage look into all that goes into putting a play together and am fully convinced that theater is a wonderful hobby for anyone looking to be a part of something with numerous benefits and rewards. 

Because local theater can have actors ranging from children to adults, those prone to use their imaginations, voice, and expressions to tell stories may find just the right place to plug in and use their talents to delight many. Whether you enjoy singing and musicals or maybe comedy or other kinds of plays, there are a variety of ways to shine in the spotlight. Even those who may consider themselves too shy for the stage, may actually find that after all the rehearsals and practice, their stage fright becomes obsolete as they embrace the character they portray. 

However, actors are only one of the elements that make theater great. If you love to sew, there could be a place for you in the costume department. Maybe you are an artist or love to build or create; if that is the case you could be part of set building which helps pull the whole play together in a magical way. If you like to be behind the curtain, you may find the right spot for you is helping backstage in prepping the scenes before, during and after the show. Or if you have a knack for the technical side of things, you can help with the lights, sound, or projections that many shows use. No matter what your talent or personality, you might be surprised at how you can use it as part of a theater group.

And lastly, theaters need one other very important group in order to be their best, an audience! If you don't have the free time to be involved in a full production, look for the opportunity to attend a show. By showing up and filling the seats, you will experience the wonder of live theater where storytelling truly comes to life before your eyes in a way that will amaze you. You'll also be offering your support to the actors, which really means a lot to them. And who knows, maybe by finding a show you love, you might also find a new hobby to be involved in as well.


  • Attending a play allows you to be part of the energy and excitement that is happening on stage and can boost your own mood and enjoyment levels in many ways.

  • If you end up loving theater, you might be surprised at the numerous ways you can get involved using your own talents or interests. 

  • When you attend a local play, you aren't the only one who benefits - the actors value your presence as do all who were involved in the creation of bringing a play together.  


  • When was the last time you attended a live performance? Do you have any local shows in your area?

  • Have you ever considered any of your own talents or skills as being useful to putting a play together? Why or why not? 

  • Can you think of any differences in the experience of a live performance versus watching a movie at home or on a big screen?

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Hobbies to Raise Your Heartrate