Choosing Relationships over Tasks

Some days my to-do list never ends. I end up hitting my pillow, at the end of a long day, exhausted and feeling disappointed that I didn’t accomplish everything I hoped to. I have a type A personality and fit accurately into type one of the Enneagram. Perfectionism clamors at me from all sides. Instead of seeing all my completed tasks, my brain focuses on what was left undone and immediately begins strategizing on the best way to be able to check each item off tomorrow. 

If I’m not careful, this kind of driving force can also put blinders on my eyes, so that I see those around me, such as my family, as obstacles to completing my list, instead of people who deserve my time, attention, and love. I start believing a lie that deep down my worth comes from what I am able to do, and I make everything about my day revolve around that idea. I view my kids as a distraction and don’t set aside time to talk with my husband or friends. I wrongly believe that additional interactions throughout the day will drag me down and put me behind in my goal to have the most productive day possible. 

As you may have figured, those days aren’t all that easy to come by, which leads me to living through a vicious cycle on a daily basis. The other outcome of this kind of striving is that even when I do have an ultra-productive day, and I smile at all the checked off boxes, I can be somewhat surprised that I don’t actually feel the high level of satisfaction and peace that I imagined I would after working so hard. It’s like somewhere within all the check marks and finished tasks, I still missed something big, something even more important. 

All this leads me to stop and consider what kind of days lead me to resting with a light heart full of peace? If I’m truly honest, it’s the days when relationships were my top priority instead of completing tasks. The times when I spent a couple of hours in meaningful conversation with a trusted friend or my spouse, or when I chose quality time with one of my children and we enjoyed being together and doing something special such as going on a bike ride or trying a new ice cream shop together. 

There is nothing wrong with being productive, but it is good to refocus your daily life on what will truly be worthwhile when you reflect on how your time was spent. The days that will stand out will be the ones where you invested in others. Most of us would rather see photos of ourselves with our family or friends reminding us of treasured memories instead of a framed to-do list all neatly checked off. Of course there will always be more work to be done, but it is good to leave room for what really matters most.


  • Leave space in your day to make meaningful connections a priority.

  • Setting aside time to refocus helps us to prioritize what is most important. 

  • Your worth is not tied to how much you accomplish, instead others will remember you by how well loved them.


  • Do you find it easier to focus on tasks or on relationships? 

  • Think back on the last few days. What has brought you the most satisfaction and joy in that time?

  • Why is it important to find a balance between being productive and setting aside time to connect with others?

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