The One Thing You Have Control Over

It's been said a thousand times (likely so much more than that), but I'll repeat it. The year 2020 was not so much a famous year but an infamous year. So much has changed. It affected all of us in a variety of ways. But for many, it exposed our fears of being out of control. 

Before 2020, finding contentment, rhythm, and regularity for most people was a little bit easier. However, the abrupt absence of our regular rhythms in 2020 created an unbearable amount of chaos. An almost complete loss of control exposed our fears of lacking power over our lives. Because the reality is, we don't really have control over all that much. We don't have control over other people's words and actions. We don't have control over most of life's circumstances. And we don't have control over what the future holds--at least not entirely. 

To be clear, chaos doesn't have to be all bad--we actually need some level of chaos in our lives sometimes, it’s healthy. But, if we focus too much on controlling our circumstances, it creates unnecessary worry and anxiety. Worry breeds frustration and a lack of gratitude, and thus leads to discontentment, boredom, and even depression. 

Don't worry (pun intended); there is good news. Because you do have control over something critical to your life and well-being. You. Yes, you. You have control over yourself. And honestly, that's about it. Just you. You can't control life's circumstances, but you can manage your perception. You get to choose to focus on gratitude rather than, say...entitlement. You can't control another person's hateful words, but you can choose your words to be loving, kind, and compassionate. You can control your body language, diet, knowledge, fitness, spiritual health, and even sleep, all of which work together to change your own state of mind, translating into a healthier you. 

Let's be honest; 2020 was not the year we wished for. In fact, it's not even a year worthy of a do-over. I would much prefer to forget it ever happened. But if there was anything good, it was that I learned where to put my focus--on the things I actually do have control over. 

I have the power to be a better, more loving person. I get to choose to build people up and treat them the way I would like to be treated. I get to decide to take care of my mind, body, and soul so that I can be the person I ought to be. I get to choose to live a life of gratitude. Even when the chaos ensues, and everything seems out of my hand, I have a firm grip on reality.


  • For many of us, this past year created an uninvited and sudden disruption that created an unnecessary amount of chaos in our lives. 

  • Focusing too much on controlling our circumstances can cause more anxiety in our lives. 

  • While I may not control the things around me, I can control how I perceive, respond, and treat others.


  • How are you working to focus on the things you can control? 

  • Are there things in your life right now that seem out of control? If so, what are they?

  • What do you think would change in your mind if you actively chose to focus on being more grateful?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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