Facing the Voices

We often let people unrelated to the situation determine our course. I’m not suggesting you go through life alone! Everyone needs a trusted group of people to give support, help, and advice. I’m just asking you to examine the voices. You are smart. You have a brain. Don’t let the voices in your life lead you without questioning them. Ask why they say what they say. What are they trying to accomplish? Do their words align with your values, your course, your purpose? 

Surround yourself with supportive people. Just to clarify, I don’t mean “yes men,” people who agree with everything you say and do. Surround yourself with wise people who challenge you in ways that help you grow. They don’t always say what you want to hear in the moment, and their advice sometimes stings, but the advice of a wise person will lift you up and help you become an even better version of yourself.

Another thing to watch is the voices in your head. They can be negative, critical, and downright abusive. Your own brain can be more brutal than an abusive “friend,” partner, or parent. We tend to let thoughts into our brains that we would never allow in face-to-face conversations. Why is that okay? It isn’t. You don’t have to remain in that mental conversation any more than you need to remain in an abusive situation. Face those voices and stand up for yourself. When the voices appear, firmly state the truth instead. 

An abusive inner critic does not have a place in your life. You can silence it, speak against it, point out the lie. Speak the truth instead. I hope you take comfort in a pattern I’ve noticed countless times over the years: If that abusive voice takes time to attack you, you have a definite purpose, and you’re probably close to a breakthrough. There’s an old saying that life is darkest before the dawn. It may not technically be true, but it sure does seem to apply to ugly voices in our heads! You are valuable, just for being you, and if negativity is working THAT hard to kick you down, you can be certain are a game changer in life. Remember that. Hold the course, stay strong, don’t give up. You carry something that this world desperately needs. 

In battle, attacks are rarely wasted on the insignificant. Why waste time on someone who can’t change the situation? You matter, you have value. Those attacks are not the truth. Listen to lies long enough, and you will begin to believe them. Even the most outrageous lies somehow become feasible in our minds over time. If we leave them on loop long enough, they wear us down. Don’t let that happen. Cut the lies out before they take any more ground. Choose what you will bring into your life. Will you bring transformation or destruction? 

Be mindful of the voices. You ultimately determine who is allowed to speak into your existence and how you speak to yourself. Choose wisely. Choose life!


  • Whether it be face-to-face interactions or voices in our heads, we hear a lot of voices in our lives. 

  • If you are facing negative voices, stand up for yourself and hold on to the truth instead. 

  • Surround yourself with wise supportive people who challenge you to grow and who want to see you reach your potential.


  • Whose voices speak most deeply into your life at the moment? Friends, family, social media, games, internet, television? Do you think those voices are ultimately building you into a better version of yourself or breaking you down? 

  • Do you have a negative inner critic? If so, how do you handle the voices? Do you know how to stand up for yourself?

  • Do you have people in your life who speak wisdom and truth?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit RemedyLIVE.com/chat anytime, day or night.

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