Goals Just for Fun!

So much of life is serious and full of work and tasks that need to get done. It can keep us busy always going from one thing to the next and leave us feeling like we are unable to get ahead. As a counter to the productivity cycle where achieving is the top priority, why not try making goals that help you unwind and stir up creativity?  

For me, this might include a list of books I want to read, non essential projects to complete, poetry to write, walks I want to take, new places to explore, or even movies I would like to watch. I know some friends who make it a goal to record the number of hours they spend outside with their families. During that time, they are just simply enjoying nature, going for hikes, playing, or being together in a relaxed atmosphere. Each year, they try to increase their outside hours, and it is great watching what they come up with to reach their goals, even during the winter time. I can guarantee their whole family is benefitting from that collective goal. 

There are times that I get stuck in a thinking trap that if I’m reading a book for fun or just soaking in a few quiet moments of a beautiful sunny day, I’m wasting my time. However, when I shift my perspective around, I know nothing could be farther from the truth. No moments spent absorbing what is good, true, and lovely right around us are ever without purpose. Instead, they bring us back to the very essence of what it means to be human and not just a robot that only functions to produce. 

It even takes me back to some old TV shows I remember watching as a kid. At the end of the day, the characters would go and sit on their front porch and just enjoy the evening. Sometimes, neighbors would come by for a visit and a chat or other times they would just enjoy their families or even sing songs together while twilight fell around them. This isn’t typical in our culture anymore where the race to stay busy or connected to our digital devices has a heavier pull than the simple pleasures of slowing down and thinking about what fills our souls and inspires our inward desires to grow deeper. 

Think of this as a challenge, one with few repercussions if not completed but possibly some unrealized benefits if accepted and acted upon. The next time you pull out your “to-do” list and start making plans, goals, or dreams for the day or even the year, leave some room for fun. Give yourself at least 20-30 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy but often think of as a “waste of time.” Read that book, go for a drive, call that friend, sing your favorite song, paint a picture, let yourself dream again, and find out what you didn’t know you were missing.


  • Try setting some goals for yourself that are not just about achieving and producing but having fun and exploring your passions.  

  • Appreciating what is around us connects us more deeply to the human experience and is a wonderful break from the busyness or the constant drive for success. 

  • Consider what actual benefits may happen as a result of chasing some passions and making them a priority.


  • Consider your “to-do” list or current goals. Are they all centered on accomplishing tasks or have you left some room for fun in the process? 

  • What are some benefits you can come up with by making space for pursuing passions instead of focusing only on work or even digital distractions which can eat up time quickly?

  • If you were given an extra hour today to spend on anything except for work, social media or any other digital distraction, how would you use it? What steps can you take to make that into reality?

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit RemedyLIVE.com/chat anytime, day or night.

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