Holiday Memories

Some people think we celebrate too many holidays. Others think we don’t celebrate enough. Either way, every holiday we celebrate was created for a specific purpose. Some, such as Easter and Christmas, stem from very important religious events. Others, like Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving, allow us to reflect and show our appreciation for loved ones. Because there are so many special days on the calendar, every one of us has lived long enough to have a specific memory from a holiday we celebrated.

One that I can remember happened when I was five years old. It was Halloween, one of my favorite holidays growing up. This particular year however, would be a little different. Because Halloween fell on a Saturday, and my brother's birthday was just three days before, my parents decided to celebrate Halloween and a birthday all in one day. Unfortunately, they didn’t plan on me getting sick. I had run a fever the day before and still had one on Halloween.

As a result, I had to stay upstairs, as I watched my aunts, uncles, and cousins pile into our house, dressed up in their costumes. I cried in the bedroom upstairs. It was hard to see everyone else get to enjoy the party while I was stuck in my room. While my parents said I could come down if I felt good enough, I didn’t want to because I was worried I’d get my relatives sick too. However, I still wanted to go trick-or-treating. So, I got dressed up in my Darth Vader costume and went out. I can still remember coughing and fogging up my mask to this day, but I did it. I went trick-or-treating and, of course, loaded up on my favorite candy at the time: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 

Now why do I tell you this story? How are holiday’s and the past connected? Well, our past is full of events that happened. These events turned into memories that we can play back in our heads and even reclaim the feeling we had at that time. In a way, this makes holidays a sort of memory factory. The reason we remember so many holidays so well is that each one is an event filled with anticipation and excitement that leads up to that special day. As a result, anything interesting that happens sticks out that much more in our minds. We’re able to recollect what happened and tell others the story. Therefore, many of the memories we will have of grandparents, cousins, friends, and even immediate family members will come from our fun experiences with them on holidays. 

Each holiday is its own unique celebration and creates memories that we can take with us wherever we go. I believe that making memories is one of the most important things you can do. It’s a way of reminiscing on the times you had, while looking ahead to all the good times that are still in front of you.


  • We all have vivid memories of many holidays, often from our childhood

  • Memories are important because they form what we can remember from our past

  • Holidays often create pleasant memories of many of our family members


  • What are some holiday memories you have? Do you look back on them fondly?

  • Do your memories of family members on holidays shape how you view them today? 

  • How do special events like celebrating holidays connect you with your past?

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