Previous Job Takeaways

Throughout high school and undergrad, I worked a lot of different jobs. In high school and part of undergrad, it was just to make some fun money. The last half of undergrad was targeted towards resume building. I remember each job very clearly - my coworkers, managers, the tasks that were required of me, etc. Each of them taught me very different things. I think it’s worth looking back on some of those jobs you’ve had in the past and thinking about how they’ve shaped and changed you, for better or worse. 

For better:

Through my various jobs, I learned how to work in a fast-paced environment as someone who doesn’t like to rush and prefers to take her time. I became more efficient. I have become more appreciative of those who work in food and retail as someone who did both for a couple years. In my desk jobs, I was able to contribute to small projects that contributed to a bigger picture or mission. I learned how to pay attention to the smallest of details and gained a whole lot of patience. My most recent job was in caregiving and support. This job stretched and grew me in ways I couldn't have imagined. I became more empathic, patient, and learned how to respond to extremely stressful and unpredictable situations.

For worse:

I didn’t have good managers in a few of these jobs. This instilled a hesitancy or fear to go to my supervisors in future jobs when I needed something. I am fearful of having another bad manager now. One of my jobs was so stressful that I dreaded going to work every day. I became worried about how each shift would go and whether I would leave the shift having had a good or bad day. Some jobs have been so particular about the way they do things that this has transferred into my own life. I can be dissatisfied until something is “just right” in my mind.

These are just a few examples of how previous jobs can impact us even to this day. Our previous jobs are “previous” for a reason. Maybe they weren’t good jobs, maybe we didn’t feel we did a good job there, or maybe they were just a filler until something else came along. Whatever it is, these jobs are a valuable part of our past to consider. They can help us decipher what we want in a new working experience. 

We can’t get out of having a previous job. But we can use those experiences to grow and shape us into even better human beings. Take the time today to consider those experiences. Make a mental or physical list of how they impacted you for better or for worse. Can you continue to grow and add to the better list? What can you do to change the “for worse” category? Our jobs change us just as much as we change the environment we work in.


  • Our previous jobs are a huge part of our past - while they might not always be good experiences, there is value in looking back and seeing what you learned.

  • Jobs can influence us for better or for worse. They may teach us how to value others, but they can also be very stressful and hurt our mental health.

  • Evaluate your previous jobs. Make a list of how they grew or shaped you into who you are today.


  • What was your favorite job you’ve held and your least favorite?

  • How have jobs in the past impacted who you are now?

  • What is important to you in a job?

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