Creating a Beneficial Community

When I was in 5th grade, my family moved. And it nearly destroyed me. I hated my parents for moving. All I ever knew was that house, that neighborhood, my school, and my friends. My best friend lived right next door to me. But we moved anyway. Away from friends, community, my tribe--my peeps. Who does that? Well, my parents do. 

So I got back at them. I made new friends. I found a new tribe, a new community. But these were not good people. Okay, so I really wasn't consciously trying to get back at my parents, but I did get myself mixed up in the wrong crowd. It was almost an overnight transformation. I became someone entirely different. 

At that moment, it didn't matter who I was friends with--I just needed someone. I needed people. I needed a community. We all do. None of us are meant to do life on our own--it's not how we are made. We have been hardwired for community. No matter the situation, one way or another, you will find your group of people, and those people will play a massive part in shaping who you are. No matter how old you are, you are being shaped by every outside influence in your community of people. 

Think about this for a moment. 

Have you ever purchased clothing because someone else said it was cool or started a new hobby because another person you know is into it? Have you kept doing something you disliked because you were afraid to lose friends? The answer should be yes. We all have done it. We all find community somewhere. We all look for help from others, and we all take advice that will either build us up or bring us down. 

Today, as you interact with friends, family, co-workers, etc., I want to consider something vitally important. If you can't do all this life stuff yourself, then neither can everyone else you know. So, how are you working to give another person the positive, life-giving community they need? How are you helping them do life? How are you helping another to share the workload? The community around you is not just here to serve you and help you. You are called to be a participant. You have a job to do. 

So here is an efficient way to approach this idea. We all need three kinds of people in our lives. First, you need people to walk with you. These are people who walk right beside you, doing life with you. Second, you need people in front of you. These are mentors--people to guide you, help you, and not be shy about correcting you. And finally, you some people walking behind you--those you are leading. You need to invest in other people. No matter how old you are, you have experiences and expertise to share. So share it. 


  • No matter your age, situation, or circumstance, you will establish some kind of community because you are wired for it. 

  • Your community of people around you will take part in shaping who you are. 

  • You need three types of people in your life: people to walk with you, ahead of you, and behind you.


  • Think about the people in your community right now. How are they influencing you as a person? 

  • Consider the three types of people we all need in our lives. Who is mentoring you? 

  • Who are you mentoring and investing in?

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