Think About What You're Thinking About

It was a quiet Saturday morning at home. The kids were playing nicely in the basement, my wife was baking in the kitchen, and I was reading on the couch enjoying a perfectly brewed, hot cup of coffee. It was a moment of sheer, relaxing bliss. But it was only a moment--literally. I got maybe three sips of coffee in before I heard a crash, scream, and the loud wails of an injured child. I, of course, jump out of my chair to see which one I am taking to the emergency room. 

What I discovered was my 8-year-old had drop-kicked my 6-year old in the face--somehow “by accident.” Now, rather than get angry, I entered into a perfect parental strategy to coach and solve the problem. That didn’t work. The minute I opened my mouth, my 8-year-old went into a diatribe of self-loathing. She announced to the entire neighborhood that she was the worst kid ever and should be sold to an orphanage. Her words. 

We are all my 8-year-old. While we may not drop-kick people in the face and throw temper tantrums (at least I hope you don’t), we all allow our minds to tell us lies, that if we are not careful, we will end up believing. 

Have you ever said to yourself:

  • “I can’t change no matter how hard I try.”

  • “I can’t let people see the real me because they won’t like me.” 

  • “When I look at social media, I feel like I’ll never be as good as everyone else.”

These are all lies. And the longer you believe the lie, the more likely you will begin to live as if the lie is the truth. In other words, if you think you can’t do something, you likely won’t. But if you believe you can, you probably will. Your mind is engaged in a constant battle. On one side are the lies you believe about yourself. On the other side is the person you were designed to be--the person just waiting to be freed from captivity. 

You are not who the lies say you are, and you are not who others say you are. You are more than you ever thought possible. And the first step to shutting the lies down is to begin thinking about what you’re thinking about. It starts with creating an awareness of what is going on in your mind. Do you think worrying thoughts? Do you keep people at a distance? Do you compare yourself to others? Are you overly skeptical? These questions (and so many more) can help you see how the lies you hear are affecting you. Winning the battle in our minds is not a quick or overnight fix. But be encouraged. You can follow a new path and a new way to think because greater awareness of what we think about and how it affects us is one crucial step closer.


  • Your mind is a battlefield.

  • When we believe lies as truth, they affect our lives as if they are true.

  • You are not who others say you are. You are more.


  • What is something you deeply believed was true only to find out you were wrong?

  • What are some of the lies you believe? 

  • How do you think it has affected your life up to this point? 

To talk more about this or something else on your mind text the number 494949 to chat with our team or visit anytime, day or night.

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Broken & Unknown