selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic

Handling Change

Change does not come easily for most people. Whether it be life-altering, sudden or expected, change can be difficult. It ranges from moving to a new country or state, starting a new year at school, or beginning a new job. What remains the same is that change is inevitable and consistent. Yes, we can consistently count on change. 

If you’ve found yourself sweating at the mention of change, don’t worry! There are things you can do to make it a bit easier on yourself. Here are a few tips to help you better handle those moments when life alters. 

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selfcare, Goals SoulMedic selfcare, Goals SoulMedic

Too Much To-Do

Making a to-do list is incredibly helpful in achieving goals. It’s recommended. Personally, I love lists. Crossing things off is such a satisfying feeling. As much of an endorphin high as when finishing a mile run, in my opinion. My father-in-law used to call me Type AA - aka, I was so organized and list-oriented that it drove him crazy.

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selfcare, Rest SoulMedic selfcare, Rest SoulMedic

Resting When You're Sick

Being sick always comes at the most inconvenient times. It never seems to come on a rainy day when no one wants to be outside. Instead you always find yourself stuck indoors on the most beautiful days feeling terrible with only the desire to lay in bed or on the couch. For most of my life I would turn to watching movies when I was sick. You don’t really feel like doing anything else, so you just stare at a screen, not really enjoying the movie or even processing what is going on. It took me a number of years to realize that this type of behaviour wasn’t even restful for me while I was sick. It usually made my headache far worse and my sickness would just be drawn out. What your body really needs is a rest from your normal everyday habits. 

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic

Sitting Outside

A lot of us have an image in our heads of us sitting on the porch in our rocking chairs at an old age, watching the cars and people go by. It’s a common stereotype of the elderly, but the thought of relaxing outside on a beautiful summer day also tends to bring us peace. There’s something about the outdoors that allows us to exhale. That’s why a lot of people choose to vacation in National Parks all throughout the year. But you don’t have to go to Yellowstone or the Great Smoky Mountains to feel the peace of nature. Simply spending some time right outside your front door can have a similar impact.

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selfcare, Biology SoulMedic selfcare, Biology SoulMedic

Effects of Isolation

I don’t think we realized how damaging isolation could be until COVID-19, and we all dealt with it to some degree. Isolation is something that sneaks up on you. For introverts, the idea of staying home and not having a bunch of social obligations may seem like a dream come true. For extroverts, it’s a nightmare. Either way, we have all felt the negative effects at some point.

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selfcare, Past SoulMedic selfcare, Past SoulMedic


Do you ever have recurring dreams? You wake up in the middle of the night or the early hours of the morning and remember distinctly what happened in the dream and then you say, oh I have had this dream before, multiple times actually. This happens to me all the time. One dream in particular that I have been having recently is getting locked out of my locker from high school. Now I should tell you that I have already been out of high school for over 10 years, so why does this dream keep coming up and why am I gripped with such terror when I am in the middle of this dream?

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selfcare, Relationships SoulMedic selfcare, Relationships SoulMedic


But I quickly found that when someone else could beat me, receive higher praise, or outshine me, I was indeed competitive. In all the wrong ways. Instead of seeing someone with a similar drive as healthy competition, I saw them as an enemy. That’s exactly what happened the day I met Kendra. Ooo, I didn’t like her. I was never musical or athletic, so I prided myself on being organized and efficient. I could run an event more smoothly than anyone. I could plan a meeting so efficiently you wouldn’t want it to be an email. 

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selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic

Living Alone vs. With Roommates

Who we do or don’t live with affects our everyday life and mental health. When in high school, it’s more likely that you would live with your family, but after graduation, many move to a college or get a job and move out of the house. At this time, it’s likely you would have at least one roommate. A couple years later, you may live on your own if you prefer it or still choose roommates. Either way has its perks and downfalls and greatly affects your life.

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selfcare, Goals SoulMedic selfcare, Goals SoulMedic

Drinking Water

We’ve all had those days where we take a water bottle to our work day or school and at the end of the day, the water bottle is only half gone. In 8 hours, you’ve only drank maybe 8 oz of water. Drinking lots of water doesn't seem like a big deal unless you’re thirsty. We can all manage with just a little water everyday, but we should really be prioritizing this small part of taking care of ourselves. Creating and keeping up with this goal can make a huge difference.

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selfcare, Rest SoulMedic selfcare, Rest SoulMedic

Rest for the Restless

In today’s world, there are countless distractions to keep our minds running and our bodies on the go. When it’s time to finally rest, the cards are stacked against us. If you’ve found it hard to turn off the fast-flying thoughts or to get that heart rate down when it’s time to sleep, here are a few ideas and why they will help. 

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic


Regular exercise is so helpful and important for our physical and mental health. Physical activity releases endorphins in our brain, which helps us feel good. If you’ve ever went on a run, walk, lifted weights, danced, played a sport, etc., it’s likely you experienced the effects of endorphins. You feel great for a little while after the activity, are alert, and feel awake. If you are also dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression, exercise can be a great coping mechanism. I’m not sure I would’ve made it out of sophomore year of college without dropping organic chemistry if I wasn’t working out before or after class.

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Biology, selfcare SoulMedic Biology, selfcare SoulMedic

The Effects of Walking

Exercise works wonders on the brain. Our bodies were created to move! Whether through dancing, swimming, running, weight training, boxing, etc., something beautiful happens when you choose to make activity a consistent part of your week. Walking is often underestimated as a way to exercise, but it is a great and simple way to take care of your body and improve brain health. It is also a great starting point if you’re wanting to get into other forms of exercise too. 

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selfcare, the past SoulMedic selfcare, the past SoulMedic


Breakups are just about inevitable. Romantic relationships are difficult to navigate at any point in life, and unfortunately, many of them don’t end well. Some of the most painful times in my life centered around losing that person closest to me, even if it was for the best. There are several stages you go through - denial, anger, sadness, maybe the crazies, regret, etc. Eventually, life starts to look up again - not everything you see reminds you of them, forgiveness happens, and you learn from the relationship. These relationships are often such an important part of your past. They’re going to affect you in the long-term. 

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selfcare, Relationships SoulMedic selfcare, Relationships SoulMedic

The Gift of Listening

Listening to people makes them feel special. It makes them feel heard. It’s sad, really, that such a simple thing as having someone pay attention to us while we speak can make us feel better. But that’s the truth of it. How often do you find yourself talking and see a person’s eyes glaze over or wander past you? How often are you listening to a teacher, lecture, sermon, and find yourself miles away thinking about a completely unrelated topic? 

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selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic selfcare, Circumstances SoulMedic

Effects of Grief

Unfortunately, many of us have spent time grieving in the past 1.5 years due to COVID-19. We’ve grieved the unexpected passing of family members. This kind of circumstance can affect the way we interact with others, and the way we see ourselves. 

There are two kinds of grief: acute and persistent/complicated. Acute grief lasts about 6-12 months after the loss, and persistent grief lasts longer than the 12 months. If you are dealing with persistent grief, it may be helpful to see a mental health professional to help you process and move forward. During a time of grieving, it is common for your mind to be filled with memories, thoughts, and emotions connected to the person you lost. You may also have a hard time really accepting the loss and have deep waves of sadness and desire for them. Chronic stress also comes alongside acute grief and can cause several issues, including having a hard time sleeping, depression, anger or bitterness, loss of appetite, and anxiety (How to Overcome Grief’s Health-Damaging Effects, 2021). These symptoms should not be ignored but more so accepted as part of the grieving process. It is important to be kind to yourself when you’re grieving - your loss was and is important. 

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Social Media Limits

Social media seems to consume every waking moment. When you don’t have all the accounts and stay updated, it can feel like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Younger people hang out in person and end up scrolling through Tik Tok, Twitter, or Instagram. When talking to my family, we often say “Did you see that ___?” The blank could be someone having a baby, getting married, etc. There have been days I’ve looked at my screen time at the end of the day, and the social media use has been 3-4 hours. Limits can be helpful in creating and maintaining boundaries with what we’re putting in our heads. It can feel like a daunting goal, but it is good for our mental health.

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selfcare, Rest SoulMedic selfcare, Rest SoulMedic

Work vs. Rest

Society often talks in extremes. Either you are a workaholic and need to chill out or you are lazy and need to do something with your life. It often seems like there is no middle ground, no balance. Personally, I tend to stay busy. I like having a schedule, routine, etc. I crave productivity in my daily life. However, if I don’t give myself any time to rest, my productivity level goes down, I’m irritable, and I feel exhausted.

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selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic selfcare, Hobbies/Coping SoulMedic


Not surprisingly, during the pandemic, many people became interested in house plants. As someone who has been a “plant mom” for about 6 years, I can agree that my interest has only grown in the past two years. There are few things that bring me joy like doing anything involving plants. As far as hobbies go, getting into house plants is relatively inexpensive, fun, and they bring decor to your house. So, let’s talk about this hobby. 

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selfcare, Biology SoulMedic selfcare, Biology SoulMedic

Nutrition & Brain Health

Our brains never really seem to turn off. From the moment we wake up, to the moment we fall asleep at night, the gears are constantly turning. Even when we’re sleeping, we have crazy dreams or nightmares, showing us our brain is still functioning to some degree, trying to process what happened today. Because our brains are constantly working, it’s important we provide the best fuel. Eating the right/best foods can make a huge difference in how we feel and our brain health.

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selfcare, Past SoulMedic selfcare, Past SoulMedic

Birth Order

A lot of research shows that birth order can impact the way a child grows up and who they develop into. However, others say it doesn’t determine anything. From what I’ve seen in my own family, as well as in close family friends, I think there is something to be said about birth order. It’s certainly not the be all end all - just like any personality theory, it can be taken with a grain of salt. 

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